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I kissed him, devouring his mouth and securing his tongue for my pleasure. Scottie was instantly reactive, straddling my hips and grinding into my pelvis. With a groan, I got up from the sofa. He wrapped his legs around my waist.

“We didn’t make it halfway through the movie,” I said against his lips.

“We can watch it after. Need you right now.”



“Scottie, wake up! You’re gonna be late for work!”

The loud thumping on my bedroom door jerked me from an erotic dream I wasn’t ready to leave yet. Groaning, I buried my face into the pillow and rolled to my knees with my bottom in the air—the same position as in my racy dream that had left my nipples tingling and my cock painfully erect. I clenched my bottom and moaned at the ache back there from Griff pounding into me so many times last night before I finally crawled out from beneath him and got into my car.

Sometime after two in the morning.

The man’s gigantic penis had ruined me for common sense. Instead of sleeping the second I got into my bed, I’d called him to let him know I was home. What should have been a sixty-second conversation had turned into a full hour of talking.

Why did we have to sleep in separate beds and separate places?

“Scottie, I don’t hear you moving. Are you getting your ass up?”

Oh right.


“Leave me alone.” My words were muffled by the pillow.

The doorknob turned, and footsteps entered my bedroom. “What was that?”

I raised my head slightly so my words could come out more audible this time. “I said to leave me alone.”

“Are you serious right now? What the hell are you doing? Presenting? Because I’ll be the first to tell you, Scottie, you got a nice ass and all, but you’re like a brother to me.”

His meaning took a while to become clear in my sleep-deprived mind. “Ew!” I grabbed the free pillow and threw it at him. “Like I’d want to present anything to you.”

Now your father. Ugh, I’d live on my knees for that man.

Jay laughed. “As funny as this is, you need to haul ass and get into the shower. You’re already going to be late for work.”


I scrambled over to the edge of the bed and reached for my glasses. When they were securely placed on my nose, I picked up my phone. Instead of the time, I focused on the message that had popped up on the screen. I unlocked the phone with my thumbprint and tapped the message. Griff had sent me several messages throughout the early morning after I’d fallen asleep.

Can’t stop thinking about last night.

U make me want to be a better man, Scottie.

U shouldn’t let me fuck u like that again. I was too rough, wasn’t I?

Scottie, u have the sexiest little body I just can’t get enough of. I know I should be gentler with it, and I always have good intentions, but then u open that sweet mouth, and the things u say make me want to devour u.

Fuck, gotta go to bed. I’m talking nonsense

Scottie, you have the sexiest little body I just can’t get enough of. I know I should be gentler with it, and I always have good intentions, but then you open that sweet mouth, and the things you say make me want to devour you.

Fuck, gotta go to bed. I’m talking nonsense

“Oh, well, just stay there grinning at your phone all morning. I’m sure that’s a special skill that’ll be useful in your next job. After they fire you for not showing up on time today.”
