Page 36 of If the Trap Fits

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“There’s more than one way to talk, Troy, and I need to show you that you won’t regret this.”

“Sex can’t guarantee that.”

I sure damn tried, though. In my bedroom, facedown in one of the pillows, ass in the air while he fucked me with him standing at the edge of the bed. He rocked into me hard and fast, the whole experience over in less than ten minutes, but it was no less mind-blowing than when we took our time.

When he was done, Troy pulled out of me and slapped my ass. “Move over. Now we can talk.”

I rolled over onto my side, making room for him on the bed. “Just so you know, I’m so fucking happy right now you can probably get me to say yes to anything.”

“So that’s a yes to you moving to Atlanta?”

My stomach flipped. Rosewood Pines was all I knew, but the way he stroked my damp back, I could survive anywhere with him.

“You’re my home, Troy.”


“What?” Had he changed his mind?

“I can’t do that to you. I see how much you love it here.”

“But I—”

“I’ll move back.”

“You will?”

He nodded. “Not for a while yet. It’ll take about a year to carry out everything that’s on my agenda properly. I’ll have to vacate my position without ruffling any feathers or burning bridges. I’ll need them when I set up my own company here.”

“You can do that?” He was so damn intelligent. I loved that about him.

“I can. It should be easy enough once I sell my house in Atlanta.”

“But what if the business doesn’t take off?”

“No reason it shouldn’t. I can do my job freelance and remotely. But in any event, the house in Atlanta is worth millions. We won’t have to worry about money for a few years.”

I gaped at him. “You’re worth millions, then?”

“Sorta. Yeah. I get paid good money, and I have a keen eye on investment opportunities.”

“Then Kevin was right. You’re really out of my league.”

“Kevin was spouting nonsense to pay you back for torturing us in high school. Or do I need to show you again just how in my league you are?”

I reached across his thighs and cupped his cock. He wasn’t joking. He was half-hard already, even though he’d just come.

“What do we do in the meantime?”

“I’ll visit more often, and I was hoping you could come to Atlanta.”

“I don’t have much money for travel, Troy.”

“My job includes a lot of travel, so I have miles. Don’t worry about it. We’ll make this work. You own the garage. If they can do without you for a day or three or a week, I’ll fly you out to Atlanta. How does that sound?”

“Like we have our work cut out for us.”

“We do. But I’m willing to try. How about you?”
