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I sigh dramatically. “I wish people would stop spreading that rumor. I have good genes, that’s all. That’s why I don’t look my age.”

His eyes widen. “How old are you?”


“You’re fifty-seven?!”


He chuckles. “I guess I deserved that. I’m just a desperate man hoping for a miracle.”

“Sorry to kill your hope in miracles, but there’s no magic here. If this was really the Mountain of Youth, would my parents have retired to Florida?”

“I guess it depends on how much they hate the cold,” he says with a smile.

I return his smile, and I realize that I’m seeing the real Jax Whalen. Behind the fame, the money, and the swagger, he’s just a regular guy with ordinary fears and insecurities.

And somehow, that makes him even sexier.

Chapter 5


I wake to the smell of bacon sizzling in the skillet. For a second, I’m confused. Who would be making breakfast in my kitchen? Had one of my sisters spent the night? Then the events of the night before come crashing to the forefront of my mind.

Jax Whalen is cooking me breakfast.

I pop out of bed and dash to my ensuite bathroom. I quickly wash my face, debating whether to take the time to apply makeup. Deciding that would be overkill, I opt for a quick swish of mascara and a touch of cherry lip gloss. I pull on a simple, white t-shirt and my favorite pair of jeans. The soft fabric hugs my hips just right and accentuates my ass. I spent most of my teens and twenties hating my curves, but in my thirties, I’ve learned to accept them. Sometimes, I even love them.

I look in the mirror and grimace. My hair is the bane of my existence. Thick, wavy, and frizzy—and impossible to tame without tons of hair products and an hour with a flat iron. Reaching for a hair band, I smooth it as best as I can into a ponytail. Not ideal, but it’ll do.

Taking a deep breath, I walk to the kitchen. Jax is still wearing his gray sweatpants. Thank you, sweet baby Jesus. He’s whisking something in a bowl, and Woof is waiting nearby in case Jax drops something tasty.

Jax sees me, and his face splits into a wide smile. “I hope you like your eggs scrambled?”

“I do,” I assure him.

He gestures to the table. “Have a seat. Breakfast will be ready soon.”

Woof comes over to greet me, licking my hand to demand pets. I oblige, scratching his head with my fingertips.

“Morning, boy,” I say fondly.

Jax pours the egg mixture into the skillet. “I hope you don’t mind, but I gave Woof one of the peanut butter and pumpkin treats.”

I smile. “Not at all. As Winnie & Woof’s CEO—Chief Eating Operator—he gets first dibs on all the treats.”

Jax looks at me with interest in his eyes. “Winnie & Woof?”

My face breaks into a genuine smile. I’m proud of my little business. “I own a shop on Main Street. I sell gourmet pet treats.”

“That’s awesome.” He pierces me with his gaze. “I’ve met a lot of people through my job and my connections, but I’ve never met anyone like you. You’re beautiful, inside and out.”

I swallow around a lump of emotion. “You should check the eggs. That burner gets a little too hot.”

“Oh,” he cries, springing back into action to stir the eggs. With a relieved voice, he says, “They’re fine. Not scorched at all.”

He lifts a large helping of eggs with a spatula and slides it onto a plate. He adds a couple strips of bacon and sets it in front of me. “It’s not much, I know, but I wanted to do something to show you that I appreciate your hospitality last night.”
