Page 3 of Tempt Me, Fireman

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I can’t believe I’m about to do this…

I’ve been thinking about how to introduce myself to Avery George since the first moment I laid eyes on her. In my fantasies, I’d always been cool, suave, and sexy. And, overcome with irresistible lust, she’d bent over the nearest piece of furniture and begged me to penetrate her.

Obviously, it was never going to pan out like that in real life. But showing up on her doorstep as an HOA officer and demanding that she remove the—what even is that? My eyes narrow as I inspect the source of this whole mess.

Avery has installed a large, screened-in box on the front of her house, blocking a large window. About six feet tall, the box contains multiple shelves and ramps. I stare at it, trying to discern its purpose, when the window opens.

“Have fun, boy,” a woman’s voice says from inside the house. I watch as a large, orange cat leaps out of the window, scurries up a ramp, and perches on the topmost shelf.

Oh! It’s a structure for the cat. Of course.

But knowing the purpose of the thing won’t make a difference to the HOA. With a deep breath, I step up to the front door. I feel the cat’s eyes on me as I knock.

“Who is it?” Avery calls from the other side of the door.

I run a hand through my hair. “I’m Hunter Griffin. I live across the street.”

The door swings open and Avery greets me with a thousand-watt smile. She’s even more breathtaking up close. With more curves than a country road, fiery red hair piled in a bun on top of her head, and adorable cat-eye glasses perched on the edge of her nose, she looks like a sexy librarian.

“Are you here to give me some sugar?” Her cheeks turn pink, and she shakes her head. “I mean, do you want me to give you some sugar?”

My eyes widen in surprise. God, yes, I want her to give me some sugar.

Her eyes fly open as she realizes the double entendre in her words. “You know, like in the movies, when the next door neighbor shows up unexpectedly?” Her cheeks turn even more red, and she squeezes her eyes closed. “Not those kind of movies. G-rated ones!”

I can’t help but chuckle. She’s even cuter when she’s flustered. “No, thanks. I’m not baking a cake.”

She opens her eyes and pushes her glasses up with a forefinger. The lenses magnify her beautiful green irises and I suck in a quick breath.

“What can I do for you?” she asks.

I wince, not wanting to tell her the real reason for my visit. “Well, actually, I’m here in my capacity as an HOA officer. I drew the short stick at our meeting yesterday and got stuck with the task of asking you to move your, um…” I gesture toward the tabby in the box. “Cat prison?”

She raises an eyebrow. “Cat prison?”

I smile sheepishly. “I’m not sure what to call it.”

“It’s a catio,” she says, her tone chilly. “An enclosed patio designed for cats.”

“It seems like a great idea,” I say quickly. “Your cat can enjoy being outdoors without the risk of injury by a car or a predator. I get it.”

She folds her arms across her chest. “But you want me to move it?”

I hold up my hands. “It’s not me. It’s the HOA. See, it’s an unapproved addition to the street-facing side of your house, and that’s against the rules.”

“It may be against the rules there or there.” She points to the houses to the left and right of hers. “Or over there,” she says, jabbing a forefinger toward my house. “But it’s not against the rules here.”

I tilt my head in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“This house pre-dates the HOA, and when the HOA was established, my father declined to be a member. He still followed the stupid rules to keep the peace, but in case you hadn’t noticed, I am not my father.”

Oh, I noticed. How could I not? My gaze drifts to her pouty mouth. I’m dying to ask for that sugar now, close the gap between us, and devour her lips with mine. But I have a feeling she’d kick me right in the dick.

I take a step backward. Avery George doesn’t seem like a woman who pulls her punches.

“Well,” she challenges. “Did you?”

I frown. “Did I what?”
