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“Yeah, I guess it’s really not.”

“This is my first time ever going to a farm,” He admits.

“First, but not last!” My mom says from the front seat. Elliot and I grin at each other. “This will be your new tradition with us.”

Those words make Elliot smile. His hands are folded in his lap. I know he is still trying to be respectful around my parents and not show too much PDA. I don’t care though, so I reach over to grab his hand. He shoots me a look and I roll my eyes as I pull his hand into my lap.

My parents turn the car into the parking lot, following the signs for the parking. The place is already full with people buzzing around. I step out of the car with a big smile. Around us, I see people pulling kids on wagons as the kids feast on cider donuts or candy apples. Families gather around the photoshoot areas taking turns posing for pictures. The hum of the tractor pulling people on the hayride passes nearby. Laughter and conversations carry from every direction, filling us with that infectious excitement. I turn to Elliot and see him looking around with quiet excitement written on his face. He turns to me and gives me a sly wink which makes me blush as I give him a playful shove.

We make our way to the ‘pick your own pumpkin’ area and my dad finds a wagon on the way to carry our pumpkins.

“I used to pull you in these wagons when you were younger, Bug,” My dad muses as we walk together.

“I totally remember that.” I smile at my parents. My parents walk ahead of us as the path gets narrower.

“Bug?” Elliot teases and I playfully elbow him. He ends up wrapping his arm around my shoulders and I lean into him and wrap my arm around his waist as we follow my parents.

When I was younger, our family tradition used to be whoever found the biggest pumpkin got to pick the face of the jack-o-lantern. But as I got older, we all just picked our own to carve. So, we wander around the big field of pumpkins looking for the perfect one. My parents keep stopping to talk to people they know so we go off on our own.

Eventually, Elliot and I make a game trying to find the ugliest pumpkin we can.

“How is that shape even possible?” I laugh as he picks up a bizarrely shaped gourd. “Oh! Look! This one is perfect for carving!” I skip to the pumpkin I have my eye on and try to pick it up. “Ugh, it's heavy…and covered in mud.”

“Here, I’ll bring it to the wagon.” Elliot smiles and picks the pumpkin up effortlessly, keeping it at a distance to avoid the mud. I thank him and keep looking for ugly pumpkins.

I find a little pimply one that I am going to show Elliot when I hear, “Madeline?”

I turn, halting when I see who the voice belongs to. My only real boyfriend from high school who broke up with me out of nowhere and very cruelly. Right before prom, may I add. I suck in a breath and say, “Hi, Will.”

“Wow, it’s great to see you. How have you been?” He asks as he walks closer to me. His brown hair is still cropped close to his head. He wears a black and white flannel over a gray NYU hoodie. I think it looks stupid.

“I’ve been awesome, college is great,” I say politely, with a tight smile.

“You’re at St. James, right?” He asks and I nod. “Nice, I’m so glad you’re finally there. I know how much you’ve wanted to go.”

I give him another strained smile. “Is there something that you want?” I ask dryly.

“Yeah, I’m so glad I ran into you. I’d love to take you out sometime. I’m at NYU but I’m home to visit my parents all the time,” He smiles at me. I try to hide a disgusted face.

“No, thank you. I’m seeing someone,” I say as I try to walk around him. He grabs my arm so I can’t leave.

“I’m so sorry about last spring, I know that was messed up…” He begins but I tug my arm out of his grasp.

One moment I feel the cool fall breeze all around me and then suddenly a warm body is pressed against my side as Elliot appears and puts his arm around me.

“You need something, man?” Elliot asks coldly. Even without looking up at him, I can feel the anger and intimidation radiating from him.

Will looks at Elliot and then to me and chuckles sarcastically. “You two are together?”

“Do you have something to say, Will? If not, just go away,” I spit at him.

“Nah, I’m good. It all makes sense now,” He scoffs. “Just hope you get luckier than I did, man,” He adds with a smirk and he pats Elliot’s shoulder as he starts to walk around us. My cheeks burn in embarrassment.

It happens so fast I almost don’t even realize what is happening. Elliot extracts his arm from around me and snaps it forward quickly, punching Will right in the nose. There is a ‘thunk’ sound, Will stumbles backwards a few steps before tripping and falling to the ground. People around us stop what they are doing and watch in shock. Elliot kneels down beside Will.

He grabs the front of his sweatshirt in his fist and yanks his head up. “Don’t you ever talk to her or about her ever again. I won’t walk away next time,” He threatens in an ice cold voice that is nothing like the kind and loving voice I am now used to. I would be lying if I said my heart didn’t race at the protectiveness he is showing. He shoves him back to the ground before standing up and pulling me against him to walk away.

Will stands up and curses us out with petty words and empty threats. Elliot leads us out of the pumpkin patch and towards the picnic area. People’s heads turn to follow us. I see my parents a little ways away watching everything with concerned faces. They start to make their way to us.
