Page 105 of First Touch

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Two months later…

“Slow down, we don’t need to run.” I giggle as Jesse pulls me up the steps toward the Rollins County Courthouse. He slows to a stop, only to turn on me and kiss me hard in the middle of the landing before we reach the doors. “What was that for?” I ask breathlessly.

“Because I can.” He winks, making me smile. He’s been on cloud nine since we finally set a wedding date. I made him wait until after the holidays even though he was ready to elope the day he proposed. I insisted that he give me time to buy a proper dress and to plan a wedding since I never thought I’d get one. He understood, but he was still wildly impatient. I loved it.

“We’re only here for our marriage license. Do not trick me into a courthouse wedding,” I accuse him, eyeing him playfully. He holds his hands up in defense.

“I won’t. I thought about it, but I won’t.” He shrugs, taking my hand again to pull me inside. We only have a few weeks until the wedding now. I insisted on Valentine’s Day since neither of us has special memories of that date yet. We want all of our future holidays to belong to each other.

Latisha cried when I suggested getting married in the library and has helped me plan every detail. My idea board is filled with string lights hanging from the ceiling, book stacks as centerpieces, and floral arrangements everywhere. Most importantly, our friends and loved ones will be there, including Miss Carlisle who gleefully accepted our invitation when we visited back in December.

She and Jesse have continued to keep in contact, giving him a chance to heal a part of his inner child. There will always be wounds, but I will be there with love and a first aid kit every step of the way.

“Hey, man.” I look up when I hear Jesse greet someone, greatly unaware of my surroundings when I’m with him.

“What are you two up to?” Malec asks. He’s dressed in his Sheriff’s uniform, green tactical pants, matching shirt, and black vest with all the bells and whistles. It makes him look even more imposing and intimidating. Before, I would have run in the other direction, not because of who he is, but because he is a large man and I would be terrified. Now, I simply lean into Jesse’s side, seeking a small amount of comfort, but otherwise doing fine.

“We’re getting our marriage license, finally. You’re coming to the wedding right?” He asks him, Malec now being one of his good friends here.

“Wouldn’t miss it.” Malec smiles, it’s nearly emotionless, but it’s pretty much the most heartwarming reaction I’ve seen from him. He’s mostly tight-lipped and unperturbed in all scenarios and someone who keeps his feelings to himself.

So when I see his eyes wander, tracking a dark-haired woman walking across the lobby of the courthouse, my interest is piqued. He watches her until she disappears down a hallway. “Do you know her?” I ask, amused as his eyes dart back to mine, surprised that they’d wandered in the first place.

“Huh? Who? No.” He deadpans, almost making me laugh. Jesse snorts, not easily put off by Malec’s stoicism.

“Yeah, that was convincing,” Jesse says, making me cough to hide my giggle.

“What?” Malec asks, genuinely confused about our insinuation. He checks his watch. “Sorry, I need to get to court. I’ll see you guys later.”

He shakes Jesse’s hand and holds his hand out to me almost on instinct. He doesn’t know about my aversion to touch per se, but he’s never initiated contact either. I think whoever the woman was that walked through here has sent his head for a loop.

I stare at it only a moment before I reach out and shake his hand, gripping Jesse’s side in my other hand for support. Malec turns to leave completely unaware of the mental and physical hurdle I just jumped. Jesse knows, though. Once we’re completely alone, he pulls me in for a hug.

“I’m proud of you,” he whispers, kissing my temple.

“Thank you. Me too.” I smile, genuinely proud of how far I’ve come.

“But, let’s cool it. No need to go around hugging people next,” he teases, making me elbow him in the ribs. We walk onto the elevator hand in hand, ready to start the next chapter of our journey.

“Why not? Everyone loves hugging a pregnant woman.” I shrug. The elevator doors close and we just start to move when he slams the emergency stop button.

“What? What did you just say?” He asks, bewildered.

“I was going to wait to tell you, but I can’t stand it any longer. I took a test this morning,” I tell him, watching his eyes get even bigger. I guess both of us are bad at planning grand gestures. “I’m pregnant.”

He rushes me, guiding me gently to the wall but kissing me madly. “You’re pregnant?” He asks hopefully against my lips.

“Yes. We’re having a baby,” I tell him with tears in my eyes. Just like that, both of our lives are changed forever and for the better.

“Are you sure you don’t want to get married today?” He asks, kissing my neck, making me giggle. “Please,” he begs, dragging my skirt up my thighs with his hands.

I gasp when he picks me up, pushing the hardness behind his zipper in between my legs. He grinds into me, making me whimper when he rubs against my sensitive clit. I’m already wet and now I’m afraid I’ll leave a spot on his jeans. “Jesse,” I try to protest, but part of me wants to tell him to keep going.

“What, baby? What do you want?” He asks, teasing me mercilessly.

“Marry me, then take me home and fuck me. Please,” I beg.

“As you wish, wife.” He kisses me again, hard and passionately, and full of promise. I didn’t even realize the elevator started moving again until the doors opened. Luckily, there is no one waiting and I’m somewhat decently covered. I can’t believe I almost begged for an orgasm in a courthouse.

Jesse takes my hand and pulls me down the hall towards the probate court. “We’d like to get married, please,” he says, smiling at the older woman behind the counter. I can tell that she is not at all phased by the request, but I stare at him awestruck and filled with love, more than ready to be his wife.

The End
