Page 12 of First Touch

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The other librarian, an older black woman with bright red glasses that match her bright red sweater, is looking on worriedly. She must sense my presence, because she cuts a look in my direction, maintaining eye contact with me for an entire breath before turning back to the courtyard.

I don’t know what it was about that look, or maybe I’m just looking for permission to intervene anywhere I can get it, but it felt like a signal.

I glance one more time at Ms. Red as I make my way closer to the courtyard from my side of the library, and I swear she nods her head in approval.

Another older gentleman using one of the computers looks on worriedly into the courtyard as I pass him. We make eye contact and he gives me a slight nod as well. No one in this building has any interest in seeing this woman be terrorized, especially me, but it doesn’t mean I have a right to disrupt my cover by getting involved.

As I reach the glass door that leads into the courtyard, I hear the fucker yell and watch him launch something in Sunshine’s direction, narrowly avoiding hitting her. I shove the door open without another thought.

“Get. The fuck. Out of here,” I demand through gritted teeth.

It takes everything in me to stay calm, not to storm up to him and drag him out by his collar. That would cause a scene and I can’t afford to draw unnecessary attention to myself during an undercover mission, but I can’t not help her.

If eyes could kill, he would be stabbing me to death right now. I can see the crazy in them.

“Man. Whatever.” He goes to leave and I get a feeling akin to panic skating down my spine at the thought of him walking past her and grabbing her. Hurting her.

“This way. Don’t take a step in her direction,” I redirect him to walk past me, and like an obedient puppy, he does exactly as ordered. “Don’t come back either,” I threaten through a locked jaw, still fighting the urge to manhandle him.

What I want to add is “Don’t look at her, don’t breathe in her direction, if you see her on the street, go the other way.” Instead, I let him leave, turning my attention back to the object of my sudden protectiveness once he’s gone.

She’s withdrawn into herself. The vibrant girl I saw before is shaking like a leaf, clutching her baggy sweater like her life depends on it.

“Are you okay?” I use the calmest voice I can muster for her benefit, afraid I’ll spook her if I attempt to speak in my normal tone.

She doesn’t answer me, keeping her eyes glued to the ground, but she nods. I’ve seen that body language before. It’s almost the only memory I have left of my mom or rather the shell of a mother she was toward the end.

My body is thrumming with energy, urging me to go to her, but I know that would be a mistake. The last thing she needs is another man coming into her bubble and the last thing I want is to be perceived as another threat.

“I’m sorry that he yelled at you. No man should ever treat a woman like that.” I mean it wholeheartedly. I can’t stand to see men use their power to abuse women. Even if I didn’t come from a violent home, I’d have the common sense to never use anger against a woman.

Especially one so small and full of light, and wearing a yellow skirt that looks exactly how she should feel. Bright, lively, not lifeless like she is right now.

She still hasn’t spoken and I’m afraid I’m making her uncomfortable by being here so I say the only thing I can think of.

“Listen. I’ll go. Just… Don’t let that punk take your sunshine.”

She snaps her head up, shocked.

Yeah, Sunshine. I gotcha.

Chapter Seven


Imotion through my end-of-shift tasks in a haze, taking twice as long to complete what I need to. My mind is reeling, replaying what happened with Kyle and the guy that keeps popping up in my life when I least expect him to. I wish I knew his name.

I need to at least thank him for stepping in when things were escalating out in the courtyard. He had no reason to help me, but he did anyway.

By the time I’m walking out to my car, the normally quiet parking lot is filled with voices. I check over my shoulder to see that the support group is letting out. The members are exiting through the side entrance that goes into that room. I quicken my pace, not quite ready to run into my hero once again. I’m still too humiliated by what he witnessed.

I’m fumbling with my keys, trying to unlock my doors when I hear footsteps approaching me. “Hey.” The now recognizable voice soothes my nerves, yet startles me in a way that makes me yearn to hear it again.

“Hi.” I turn to look at him, wrapping my sweater tighter around myself despite the heat. If I’m lucky, maybe I’ll melt into the pavement from my embarrassment.

“I wanted to check again and make sure you’re okay.” His eyes are filled with nothing but genuine concern. No judgment, no mockery of how I acted earlier.

He removes his baseball hat to wipe his forehead with the back of his hand before righting it and I watch with ample fascination.
