Page 6 of First Touch

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What if that’s not the case though?

One slip-up connecting me to my real identity could blow this whole investigation. She’s gorgeous. I would remember seeing her before…

“She was pretty hot, huh?” Curtis leans towards me, snickering on a hiccup. Unbelievable that someone so immature is of legal age to drink.

“Yeah. She was.” I drink my beer, not wanting to continue discussing the hot blonde bartender who just threw my whole fucking night into a tailspin.

I swear there was something in her eyes when she looked at me, but I can’t be sure. Something that made my gut tighten and stole my breath for a moment. Was it recognition or something else?

Either way, when her discomfort with my table-mates became apparent, I couldn’t help but step in. The rosiness of her cheeks had an uncanny ability to force my hand.

I’m not supposed to be playing the good guy tonight, these guys are not the crowd for that. If I don’t watch myself, I’m going to screw this up early on.

“Curtis tells me you’re a vet,” Derrick states, putting a pause on my internal panic.

“Yeah. I am. Army.” I keep my answer short and simple. Don’t get caught up in any lies. That’s my mantra.

“They screw you over like they did us?” He downs his beer quickly and then belches, leaning back in his chair smugly. I have to fight to keep the disgust off my face.

“Yeah. You could say that.” I finish mine off too, trying to keep pace. From what I’ve heard and seen so far, these guys might be part of the group that Curtis was communicating with. I need to stay in their circle as long as I can until it leads me somewhere.

“Well fuck ‘em,” he grunts. Derrick is older, maybe 45 or 50. He gives the impression that he’s the leader of this little group that’s at my table, though I can’t imagine he’s been very successful at leading much of anything in his life. He reeks of pot and cigarettes, and he pulled up to the bar tonight in a van that most would classify as concerning. Especially if it was parked outside of a school.

“I’ll drink to that.” Mitch finishes his beer, leaving Curtis the only one still nursing his. He probably doesn’t like the taste, though he’d never admit it.

“I’ll get another round.” Derrick moves to stand, but I stop him, jumping up before he does.

“I’ll go, you got the last one.”

Making my way up to the bar, I’m careful to remain out of Sunshine’s line of sight. It’s easy to do, her blonde hair is like a beacon with the lights above the liquor shining on it all the way down to her waist.

I need a closer look at her. I want to see her eyes when she sees me again. I need to know if it was recognition in her gaze or if I imagined it.

Just as I approach, a man stands to leave, vacating one of the bar stools. I slide into the spot right as she turns back to grab his receipt slip.

“What can I…” She stutters to a stop when she sees that it’s me sitting in front of her.

Her eyes widened just a fraction, but I saw it. Recognition.

“Get you? What can I get you?” She finishes, stammering over her words.

Even in the harsh bar lighting, I watch her cheeks pinken. The sensation in my gut comes back.

“I wanted to apologize for earlier. The guys I’m with are…” I’m not sure how to finish my sentence. Idiots? Cavemen?

“Your friends?” She asks. It’s a simple question, but I hate to even pretend to be associated with them. Especially not in front of this beautiful woman.

I can’t stop staring at her tan skin. Her chest and arms look sun-kissed against her black top.

Everything about her is appealing but not necessarily familiar. Maybe I haven’t seen her before and my mind is only playing tricks on me because I find her so attractive.

“No. They’re not my friends. Not really.” I feel the need to clarify. To explain that I’m only associating with them because I have to would put me at risk, so I bite my tongue.

“Okay… Well. Did you want another drink?” She steps back a few steps, reaching for a basket of glasses that the old man just brought out, giving me the chance to see her tan legs made of all-toned muscle.

“Yeah. Four more beers, please. No more shots.” I offer her a small smile, intending to charm her a bit to get her defenses down.

Instead of taking the bait and smiling back, she looks startled. Not the usual reaction I get, but maybe I’m losing my touch.
