Page 69 of First Touch

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“Yeah. He’s special. I trust him, a lot.” I smile to myself as she talks my ear off. Eventually, I’m able to turn the conversation to her and I’m glad not to be the center of attention.

“I think I’m going to open my own firm, I don’t know. It will be a lot of work, especially getting good clients, but I think I can do it.”

“You’re a great lawyer, Liv. I believe in you. If you need anything, let me know. I can help.”

She thanked me and we finally ended our phone call as I was finishing up my makeup. The only thing I have left to do is lipstick.

“You have to go to the bar?” Jesse asks, startling me. He’s dressed and standing in the doorway, watching me.

“Yeah, my shift starts at seven.” I eye him cautiously in the mirror, seeing how his eyes are downcast and sad.

“How many more shifts are you working?” Maybe it’s because he just woke up, but his tone is grumpy and it puts me on edge.

“I don’t know. My original plan was to finish out the summer, so a few more weeks maybe.” I unplug my straightener, preparing to defend myself.

“I need to do work stuff and I won’t be able to come see you. I’m worried about you after what happened last time.” He rubs the back of his neck, referring back to the night I was grabbed by the drunk guy.

It startled me too, that’s why it’s almost been two weeks since I’ve been back, but I can’t let that control my life. I’ve been controlled by fear for too long.

“That was an isolated incident. I’m usually fine. Daya will be there, and Sunny. I’ll be okay,” I promise him, hoping it’s not a lie. He nods his head to himself and then I see it. The scared boy afraid to see someone he cares about get hurt.

“Will you call me? Even if everything is fine, let me know you’re okay. I’m going to have a hard time focusing on what I need to do tonight as is.” He gives me a half smile that doesn’t reach his eyes.

“I’ll call you, text you, and send smoke signals. I’ll be thinking about you all night anyway,” I add, hoping to cheer him up. The smile this time does reach his eyes.

“Alright, I’ll be home as soon as I can.” He turns to leave, butterflies erupting in my belly when he says ‘home’. I wish I could bottle that feeling. The pure joy radiating through me at his simple use of one word and the way I can’t stop smiling around him. Everyone should get the chance in life to experience this unbridled happiness.

It gives me the strength to do what I’ve been wanting to do for a long time, so I chase after him. “Wait!” I yell as I reach the steps, seeing that he’s almost out the front door.

I bound down the steps, planting my feet on the last step right in front of him. “I wanted one more experiment before you left,” I state breathlessly.

He watches me inquisitively, understanding reaching his eyes when he sees mine glance at his mouth. “Stay very still, please,” I whisper, only a breath away as my heart races.

He doesn’t move, but his eyes darken when my hands gently cup his cheeks. He sucks in a small intake of breath but otherwise doesn’t budge. I lean in and ever so softly press my lips to his.

It’s only a brush of a kiss, the contact is minimal, but my heart thumps in my ears. Not with impending doom or panic, but excitement. I did it.

I smile, pulling back to look at him, but he’s practically trembling. “Jesse?” His eyes are still closed.

“Just need a second,” he utters, shoving his hands in his pockets. “You should probably step back. I’m having a hard time keeping my hands to myself,” he chokes out. “There are so many things I want to do to you right now, Thea. Letting me taste your lips opened Pandora’s box.”

His words stir up some anxiety in the pit of my stomach, but it’s far overshadowed by the lust that I feel. I want him far more than the fear I have about having a panic attack. At this point, I’m weighing the risks of having one if it means I can experience him touching me back.

“Do you really have to go to work right now?” I ask, still only a step away, deciding to take my chances by not moving away from him. He groans, deep from his chest, it almost sounds like he’s in pain.

“I do. I really do. But, I am close to throwing away my entire career just so I can stay,” he grits out, his face full of anguish. I know I’m not being fair and I can’t let him neglect his duties, so I relent.

“Be safe, tonight. I want you all in one piece for what I have planned later,” I tease, turning back up the stairs and out of reach. I don’t look back until I reach the top, seeing his mouth agape and hazy-eyed in the same spot I left him.

The ability I have to affect him like that is empowering and I’m going to reclaim every ounce of power that has ever been stolen from me.

Chapter Thirty-Five


When I walk through the doors of the Rollins County Sheriff’s Department, I’m surprised to find the space in disarray. It’s late, the only person here seems to be the Sheriff himself.

“Malec,” I say in greeting.
