Page 99 of First Touch

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“So, buying land the town over from where I happened to find a job wasn’t a coincidence?” I ask, giving him a hard time. He always denied it, but I knew. I think I always knew.

“I thought being closer would let you rub off on me a little more. You were always so happy. You seemed like you loved life and I needed that. It wasn’t until I was here and I was seeing you more that I realized maybe I didn’t know you at all.”

“I am happy. I do love life,” I reassure him, but I know what he’s saying. He saw that there was a broken part of me hidden under everything else.

“I really like you and Jesse together,” he smiles, one of his famous half-smiles that you usually have to pry out of him. “You’re two of the best people I know. I think you guys are going to be happy.”

His continued openness shocks me. Something about a hospital room makes people want to expose their emotions I guess. It just reminds me that if Jesse doesn’t wake up, there will be no more happiness. No more future.

“He saved my life, Nathan,” I confess, watching the confusion sweep across his face. “I had given up. I didn’t think I was ever going to have a normal, happy life. I was content only because my job fulfilled me. My kids at the library made me get out of bed some mornings. I love you and Callie, and Mom, but I was missing having someone to share my life with. Not because I didn’t want it, but because I couldn’t.”

Nathan’s brow furrows deeply, clearly concerned about the things I’m telling him. In the spirit of hospital confessionals, I might as well keep with it. I run my hands over my arms, taking a deep breath.

“I was raped, the summer after college. It ruined my life. I didn’t take two extra semesters in grad school to continue studying, I failed my first year and had to start over because I couldn’t get out of bed to go to class. I never told you and Mom because I was ashamed. I was ashamed that it happened and that I let it…” I pause, gathering myself. I don’t look at Nathan, fearing what I’ll see there.

“It took me years to even begin to get past it. Years of therapy. Years living with Liv because I was scared to be alone. It’s been six years and Jesse is the first man that I can touch without panicking. The first man I truly felt safe with. Before him, every time a man tried to touch me, I’d freak out. If they grabbed me, I’d pass out. Six years.” I blink away my tears, trying my best to tell this story again without crying.

I gain the bravery to look up at Nathan and my heart breaks. His face is full of so much anguish it physically hurts to see. “My baby sister,” he utters in such saddened disbelief, I can’t help but jump up to hug him.

We stand for a long time, holding each other while we cry. It’s the first time I’ve ever really seen my stronger-than-life brother break.

He holds me tightly, apologizing over and over even though I promise him there was nothing he could have done. It wasn’t his fault.

For the first time, despite everything, I truly believe that it wasn’t my fault either.

Chapter Forty-Nine


“Open your eyes, baby. I want you to watch as I fuck you.” I thrust into Thea’s tightness, pumping my hips from behind her while she faces the mirror on her knees. It’s been a month since the 5k, and my road rash is mostly healed, only leaving faint scars behind.

I was lucky that my only lasting injuries were superficial scrapes from hitting the pavement. Though I was slightly concussed, I felt right in the head within a few days.

Malec suffered about the same but woke up before ever being transported to the hospital that day. He visited me when I woke up, only bragging slightly that he wasn’t knocked unconscious for hours. I countered that it was because he had a thicker skull. As with Nathan, male friendships seem to take off when ridiculing each other.

Unfortunately, Curtis didn’t get so lucky. His ripped skin from the tape required skin grafts and the drugs that were thick in his system took weeks to detox. The last I heard, he was in a treatment center ensuring he could avoid a lasting addiction to the fentanyl Jameson had pumped him with.

Jameson, Derrick, and Mitch were arrested and are all awaiting trial for their crimes. The other members of the group are still being hunted down and questioned about their involvement.

Thea was pretty pissed at me for putting myself at risk, but she understood why. She gave me the cold shoulder for a few days, letting me heal up before angry-fucking me so hard that I almost passed out.

“Jesse, please,” she begs prettily, making me eager to give her what she wants. I move my right hand from where it was molded to her breast, dragging it down her stomach and to her swollen clit. “Yes,” she cries when I start rubbing it in circular motions.

I tighten my hand around her neck, plastering her back to my chest, using the extra leverage to pick up my momentum. I pound into her pussy rapidly, never easing up on her clit, and making her squirm. She bucks her hips back, meeting me thrust for thrust, using me like her own fuck toy.

“I’m gonna…” She doesn’t finish her sentence, her orgasm ripping through her making her gasp in pleasure. The shock waves pulse through her so hard I can feel them clenching my cock.

I slow my thrusts, cupping her mound firmly, letting her soak up the entirety of her climax without adding more sensation to her already over-sensitive flesh. “You look so pretty like this, with my hand around your throat, and my cock inside you,” I whisper in her ear, making her sigh with contentment.

She loves when I talk to her and when I say dirty things. Sometimes I think she has a dirtier mind than me. It was repressed for so long, she’s able to finally let loose, and damn am I glad that it’s with me.

“Hands on the floor, sweet girl,” I tell her, watching as she complies. I thrust hard and slow, pulling my dick all the way out until just the crown remains, then pushing back into the hilt.

I watch her body being impaled from our reflection in the mirror, seeing her ass bounce back and forth against my abdomen. My hands grip her hips, increasing the power behind my thrusts.

“So fucking sexy, baby.” Her eyes flutter at my praise, her whole body flushed with her arousal. I pick up the toy that’s been sitting beside me, waiting to be utilized, and stick it in her mouth, making her suck on the dark blue silicone. She holds it in her mouth, only leaving the rhinestone base visible, warming it up.

Pulling it from her lips, I tap it on her tongue a few times for my own twisted pleasure and place it where it belongs. Pushing past her tightened hole and slowly settling it to the base. She whimpers at the fullness and I’m mesmerized by it. I can’t tear my eyes from where my dick is still pumping inside her pussy and the plug is sitting pretty in her ass.
