Page 70 of First Sight

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“How are you feeling?” Nathan asks for the hundredth time since we left my parents, his right hand squeezes my thigh, never not touching me at some point during this road trip. He’s doted on me constantly, always worried that I’m in pain or uncomfortable in some way, very Mother Hen-like.

“I’m fine, I promise.” I can’t help the laugh that escapes, amused by his constant worry. He gets it honestly, the other day he finally called his mom to fill her in on everything that has gone down this month, and she spent the majority of the phone call worried sick about me, a perfect stranger. She didn’t seem the slightest bit concerned with how unorthodox Nathan and I’s first encounter was, or how quickly our relationship has flourished. She simply insisted on coming for Thanksgiving to cook for us. She promised that it would make me feel better to have a home-cooked meal made by her rather than Nathan. I didn’t dare to disagree.

Though I am nervous to meet her, she seemed incredibly sweet over the phone. Nathan swears that I’ll love her, but he still gives me plenty of opportunity to get out of it. He tried canceling on his mom twice, worried that it would be too overwhelming for me “in my condition,” but I made sure he didn’t. Despite my still-healing bruises and reddened neck, I can’t wait to meet his family. They are a part of Nathan, and I want to know every part of him.

“Will your mom and Thea be there by the time we get home?” I ask since Thanksgiving is tomorrow already.

Nathan sighs, “Yes, they made sure to remind me that they still know the code to the door.” He rolls his eyes, but I can tell how much of a soft spot he has for them. “I can still tell them to get lost, at any point, if they’re too much. I don’t want you to stress about anything, you need to heal.”

“I’m fine. Everything will be great,” I say, squeezing his hand. “I’m looking forward to meeting Jesse, too.”

“Eh, I don’t know if he’ll come. He’s met my mom before, but I’m not sure if he’ll be into the family gathering thing or not. He said he’d see what he could do, but it’s not likely he can get the time off. He doesn’t have any family, so he usually lets the other guys get their requests approved first.” Nathan shrugs, acting indifferent, but I know how much Jesse means to him. He was his best friend already, but after everything he did to help me, Nathan will never let it go.

“My parents really like you, you know. I hope your mom and sister like me,” I admit.

“They’ll love you. I promise.” He lifts my hand to his mouth, kissing it, making me smile. Everything he does still gives me butterflies. I still can’t believe this is all real sometimes, and that I get to spend my life with him. Hearing him whisper sweet words in my ear after making love to me every night, promising to love me forever, begging me to marry him, to let him put babies in my belly. I laugh at the latter two, knowing how soon all of that talk is. We’ve only known each other for a month, and even though we have planned on forever, we have plenty of time.

Which reminds me… “What were you and my dad talking about yesterday? You seemed pretty buddy-buddy.”

“Uhh, I don’t remember, probably just guy stuff. I don’t know.” Nathan’s the worst liar when it comes to me, he can fool everyone else, but not me.

“You’re so full of shit,” I scoff. “You’re both usually pretty reserved around people, I was just surprised to see that you’ve hugged him multiple times now. It’s very sweet.”

“Hey, I am a nice guy, but I’d hardly call a few pats on the back a hug.” He shrugs, making me roll my eyes.

“Hmm. Can you at least tell me what you talked about the first day you met him? On our back porch? He ‘hugged’ you then, and I was floored.” I ask, remembering back to that day. Nathan had just told me he loved me the night before, but I also had the weight of the world on my shoulders. Tony, Bub, and the Sheriff were looming over my head and I was a bundle of nerves.

I realize after a moment that Nathan still hasn’t responded to my question, his silence usually meaning something bad. “What? What is it?” I ask.

He sighs, “I don’t know, I wasn’t planning on telling you this. I don’t want it to change your perception of your dad…”

“What is it? Just tell me,” I insist.

“He was distraught that day. He was terrified for his daughter. When I went to talk to him after breakfast, he needed something to hold onto. Anything to give him hope that you were going to be okay, that you were going to make it through everything alive. So… I told him that I planned to kill them. Plain and simple, I told him I didn’t plan to come back for you until the threats were eliminated.” He pauses, gauging my reaction.

I’m still absorbing everything he’s said. On one hand, he told my dad his plan before he even told me… On the other, my dad knew Nathan was planning on killing people and he didn’t try to stop him. He also didn’t try to warn me away from him. Interesting.

“What did he say?” I barely manage to whisper the words, taken aback by this new information.

“He thanked me. Told me if I were to get in any trouble, he’d hire the best defense lawyer he could find. He’d put the house up as collateral if he couldn’t afford it. I promised it wouldn’t be necessary, but he still assured me he’d take care of me no matter what. He was glad that I was looking out for you.” Nathan finishes, patiently waiting for my response.

To his surprise, I start laughing. The stomach-clenching type of laugh that is making my bruised ribs ache, but I can’t help it. Nathan stares at me, barely glancing at the road. “What?” He asks.

“Apparently, I get my view on justice from my dad.” I keep laughing, incredibly amused that I found someone so perfect that even homicide doesn’t scare me or my parents off. What a catch.

“Yeah. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised when you were more worried about me going to jail than actually killing people,” he jokes, but his smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes.

“Because I know you. I chose you despite anything you planned on doing. Despite anything from your past,” I add. “I heard everything you told the Sheriff and Tony that night. I’ve had every opportunity to run, and I haven’t. You’re stuck with me.”

I know how heavily his military operations weigh on him, how he still worries that I’ll judge him for what he sees in his head and in his nightmares. His wounds go deep, but I plan on helping him heal every single one if I can.

“You’re crazy, woman.” This time his smile does reach his eyes.

* * *

We arrive home to the cabin to a blue SUV parked out front, presumably his mom’s car.
