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Noah called the pack doctor. He gave the woman Angie’s address and said, “You need to get here right away. There is a mundane dog who is seriously hurt. I want you to take care of him like you would take care of me.”

“I’ll be right there,” she promised.

He called Elijah. “Four men broke into Angie’s apartment. They nearly killed Apollo and took Angie.”

Noah repeated what Apollo said.

“I bet they took her to the cave with the ravine,” Elijah said. “I’ll call Keith. We’ll be right there.”

The doctor arrived a minute later and started working on Apollo.

“I think he’ll be okay,” she said. “He was hurt pretty badly, but he should heal.”

Elijah and Keith burst into the apartment, and the three men started out the door.

Rufus looked at Apollo and then at Noah, whining, clearly torn.

“Go with him. Save my mama,” Apollo said.

The four of them drove to the base of the mountain. They saw another truck parked there.

“That must be them,” Elijah said.

Elijah, Noah, and Keith stripped, tossed their clothes in the truck, and shifted. The three wolves and pit bull ran up the mountain as fast as they could. Noah felt as though they were running backward on a treadmill.

A loud scream pierced the air and sent an arrow of fear through Noah’s heart. About a minute later, another loud scream stabbed him in his soul. The four of them ran even faster.

Noah felt as though his lungs were going to explode and his heart was going to tear out of his chest. They could hear loud growling and someone moaning. The four of them burst through thick bushes.

Four wolves were circling a naked woman who was lying on the ground. She was bleeding in several places. One of the wolves pounced on her and put his mouth on her throat.

Noah leaped at him, knocking him off of Angie. Elijah and Keith jumped on two of the other wolves. The fourth wolf attacked Noah from behind, but Rufus lunged and knocked the wolf to the ground.

The wolf that Noah pinned to the ground swiped at Noah’s face with his claws and threw Noah off of him. The wolf rushed in and jumped. He tried to take a bite out of Noah’s neck but ended up taking a chunk out of his shoulder instead. Noah slammed against him and knocked the wolf off balance. Without hesitation, Noah ripped out his throat.

Noah recognized the wolf as a troublemaker from another pack. He and his friends had a tendency to terrorize any shifters or humans they perceived to be weaker than them.

Elijah had killed the wolf that he fought. Rufus had tried to fight the wolf who had attacked Noah, but the wolf was bigger and stronger. Elijah jumped in and wounded the wolf badly. Rufus was hurt but could still walk. He was going to be okay.

Keith had another wolf pinned to the ground.

“Why did you come after this woman?” Keith growled, showing his fangs.

The wolf didn’t say anything at first, so Keith nipped his throat.

Shifting, the man said, “Stop. An old man from the Silent Paw Pack, named Abner, promised us ten grand each if we kidnapped her and killed her. He didn’t care what we did to her or with her, as long as she was never seen again.”

Keith got off of the man.

Noah shifted and ran over to Angie. She reached up and gently touched his cheek before her arm dropped to the ground.

“Apollo,” she said.

“I called the doctor. He’s going to be okay,” Noah said.

“It took you long enough to get here,” Angie said, weakly, trying to smile.

“We took the scenic route,” Noah said.
