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I find Andi in her guest house that night when everyone else has left or gone to sleep. I let myself in. “You should really lock this door,” I say once I step inside the darkened room. Only the bathroom light is on and I can see her shadow being cast through the doorway from inside.

“Are you worried a squirrel or a bear is going to turn the knob and come get me? I feel pretty safe with all these big tough hockey guys right next door. Besides, someone once told me they don’t even lock their window because this cabin is so far out and there’s no reason to fear an intruder.”

“I’d feel better if I knew you had it locked. And that someone locks his windows now. Princess’s orders, remember?”

“But then how would you sneak in to seduce me at night if I lock up?” She peeks out from around the door frame, eyes twinkling with mischief. “That is why you’re here, isn’t it?”

“That depends.” I move closer to the bathroom. My heart is pounding because I wasn’t sure how this would go. It has been far, far too long since I had my hands on her. I wasn’t sure if our conversation brought us right back to where we were, or if I had some making up to do before she’d flirt so openly with me again. “Do you require seduction? Or can I just walk in here and demand that you get in the bed, undress, and let me fuck you.”

My words were supposed to be a little bit of a joke, but my passion seeps into them and I’m already getting hard by the time I’ve finished.

She bites her lip, turning to face me. She’s just wearing a long t-shirt with bare legs beneath and her hair is let down, still wet from the shower she must’ve taken. “Well, both sound nice. When I order fajitas at a restaurant, I can never decide between chicken or steak. I like both.”

“You want the combo package?” I ask.

“Yes.” She folds her arms, which draws my eyes to her chest.

“Alright. Is water wet?” I ask.

Her forehead scrunches up. “What?”

“Answer the question. Is water wet?”

“Um, yes. When water touches things, they become wet. So water is wet.”

I take a step closer. “I think water makes things wet. But the water itself isn’t wet. Semantics,” I add with a wiggle of my eyebrows.

“Oh, I see what this is,” she bites a smile. “You’re trying to get me all… semantically seduced, are you?”

“Is it working?”

She takes a step toward me and runs her fingers down my shirt, gripping it and smiling. “Well, I can think of one way to find out. We could test your theory.”

“How?” I whisper.

“Well, am I wet? Or will it just be your fingers that will be wet after you check for yourself?”

Damn. I slide my hand down the small of her back and grip her ass through the fabric of her t-shirt. I can feel the line of her panties beneath. I squeeze tight, pushing her against me. She makes a small sound, then tilts her head up toward me, lips parted.

I kiss her once, then lift her shirt and slide my hands down her panties. “You are very wet,” I say. “And so are my fingers.”

“Water is wet,” Andi declares triumphantly. “And so am I.”

We both chuckle and start kissing. I spin her around and lay her down on the bed. She lifts her arms, letting me pull the shirt over her head. As much as I just want to plunge myself into her, I’m always torn with her on whether I want to take my time or take her as hard and fast as I can. My body wants both. It wants to unleash every pent up sexual urge in a blaze of kisses, friction, and power. But I also want to savor every sensation–to drink her in like fine liquor.

I kiss down her neck and trace my path with the tip of my fingers. My touch raises goosebumps on her smooth skin. I cup her breast through the t-shirt, enjoying the hard point of her nipple as I tease it with my fingers and draw more moans from her.

Savor it. An unconscious part of me decides tonight is for taking things slow and enjoying her. Tonight is for making a deep memory of what this is like, because some part of me is worried I’m still going to screw it up. Again. I need to enjoy Andi in every way I can because any night could be our last together. I already saw how fragile it can be and how easily it could all come breaking apart.

So I start with my head between her legs. I toss her panties to some corner of the room and don’t stop until she’s pulling my hair so hard it hurts and gasping my name.

Then I take her with my fingers while I kiss her deeply, only stopping when I can tell she’s inches from another climax. She’s panting and sucking in hard breaths when I stop and position myself above her. “Tell me what you want, Andi,” I command.

“You,” she says simply.

“Is it my cock you want?” I ask.
