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"If not"—my best friend continued with a mischievous grin—"he could find someone to help him. You wouldn’t mind, right?"

"I hate you," I groaned when she made very inappropriate gestures, laughing out loud. However, I had to give it to her; she made a point. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea, after all.

"Amazing sex is the best way to forget about someone," she lectured, clinking her glass with mine, and I slightly nodded, enjoying the taste of wine on my tongue. "However, I’m not sure that it’ll cure your obsession."

"I’m not obsessed," I objected, glaring at her. I regretted admitting what kind of effect my boss had on me. I knew that it wasn’t normal, and I tried to find an explanation for it, but I came back empty-handed.

"No?" She raised one of her elegant brows at me, smirking. "Two weeks at work with him and you’re like, 'Mr Thorn this, Mr Thorn that, Mr Thorn is everywhere.'" She theatrically threw her arms in the air, and I rolled my eyes at her antics. She was too dramatic, as always. "I’m surprised he didn’t jump out of the fridge when I opened it."

"You’re the worst best friend ever." I grinned, shaking my head from side to side. She was right; I knew that, but there was something about that man that I couldn’t fight. The pull was irresistible, but if only his behaviour was more professional and less despicable.

"I want you to find a normal man who will make you happy," Zoe stated sincerely as she took my hand in hers. "From what you’ve said to me, this one is rude, self-centred, and married to his job. You don’t need to fall for him just because he is super-hot and filthy rich."

"It’s not about the money," I sighed, feeling cornered. I didn’t know how to explain what I was experiencing when I was close to Mr Thorn. I always tried to do my best at work, but this was different. I physically craved him. I had never felt anything like that for any other man.

"Then, what other qualities does he have?" She leaned into her seat, crossing her long legs, watching me intently. It looked like she was questioning me because of some misconduct. Sometimes, she forgot she wasn’t at work and I wasn’t a criminal.

"He built a hospital," I replied, remembering that I had read about it this morning. Under his name, a brand-new facility for impoverished people was built. "Also, he donated a huge amount of money to some orphanages, and he was the host of a charity gala."

"He is only polishing his public image." My best friend wasn’t easily impressed. Basically, if she thought the man was a prick, she hardly ever changed her mind. Her opinion was mostly based on my words, and I felt guilty for exaggerating things. I should have been more careful with my complaints.

"Well, he is throwing a barbecue party for his employees on Friday," I announced, thinking about the invitation on my desk. "It'll be one big team-building event."

"How generous of him," she mocked, shooting me a toothy grin. "You can’t wait to be around him again."

"That’s not true!" I raised my voice, seriously pissed. I didn’t understand why she was attacking me. Even if it was a little true…

"If it’s not true, don’t go to the barbecue, and come out with me," she suggested, a smile not disappearing from her beautiful face. She was daring me to object to her proposition, yet, I actually considered it might be a good idea. Mr Thorn would be away till Friday, and with the weekend ahead of us, I could be free of him for four long days. Maybe it would be enough time for my brain to start functioning properly again.

"Deal! No barbecue." I smiled at her content expression. With a little bit of luck, I would be long gone when Mr Thorn came back to his office. I didn't even need an excuse. It could work without me explaining why I wouldn't come.




ThetwodaysMrThorn was away on his private yacht were enlightening and torturous at the same time. Without his oversight, I felt like I could breathe again, yet I had to admit I missed his presence quite a bit.

I'd been thinking about him at every possible moment. I had our weird encounter in his office in front of my eyes, musing about the reason behind his words. It just didn’t make any sense to me.

Everything about him made me nervous and edgy while simultaneously making me excited and eager to find out more about him. I’d stared at his pictures on my phone, and his stoic face was imprinted on my brain. He hadn’t expressed any emotions. His eyes were cold, his thick black brows were slightly furrowed, and his perfect lips were pressed together. It was the same way he was in person. The only emotions he showed others were anger and annoyance.

The first half of Friday passed rapidly. I was tired of constantly explaining why Mr Thorn wasn’t in his office and wasn’t replying to any emails or text messages. It was the worst part of my job.

I looked down at my notes, glaring at the three appointments I wasn’t able to reschedule. I needed approval from my boss to place them on the free spots in his calendar because he never had meetings on Friday afternoons.

With an exasperated sigh, I scratched another sentence in my notebook, catching sight of Mr Thorn's new lawyer, Alessandra Blake, out of the corner of my eye. She acknowledged me with a slight nod, but she was on her phone, so she continued inside, and I watched two other young men as they followed her.

There were rumours among the managers that Mr Thorn’s brother, Andreas, would join him on the highest floor, yet, instead of him, came this gorgeous, elegant, sharp woman.

As always, I read everything I could find about her, and she was a top ace among the lawyers. Of course, being Andreas Thorn’s partner helped her reach the clients others were only dreaming about. But from what I heard and found, she was excellent at her job and had great results with negotiations and big deals.

In front of her door, there wasn’t a desk for an assistant; however, her two apprentices instantly grabbed the opportunity to have the third office. I raised my eyebrows at them and chuckled under my breath when I saw them moving their stuff inside. That room was connected to Mr Thorn’s office, and I was sure he would never let those two newbies have access to his work. And Miss Blake had the same opinion.

"What the hell are you doing?" she shouted from her doorstep, glaring at them when they turned to her with boxes in their hands. “You’ll be on the fifth floor along with the other three who will come tomorrow.”

I almost burst into laughter at their disappointed faces. I shook my head, thinking that at their age, I would never have thought I’d be able to stay on the highest floor. I knew where I belonged from the beginning.
