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"Drugs?" I hissed, checking to see if everyone else could hear us. This was serious. If she was defending herself from police brutality, it was easy to get her out. But drugs? What the fuck?

"I don’t know the specifics, sir. She is in the South Precinct."

He stood in the same spot, like he was rooted to the ground, while I was trying to process that information. Andreas, next to me, shook his head in disbelief, patiently waiting for me to recover from the momentary shock.

I had a whole file on Electra in my office. She had a perfectly clean record—no drinking problem, no drug use, and not even a parking ticket. This didn’t make any sense. She had twice as much money as every other assistant in the company. I already gave her a raise despite the few mistakes she’d made. She didn’t have any debt, a mortgage, or high medical bills. Also, she didn’t have a gambling problem. Nothing in her background suggested she was involved in any criminal activity.

"Will you get her out?" I asked my brother, who had just started eating as if nothing had happened. Of course, his life was full of this stuff. As a badass lawyer, he probably considered this a boring issue.

"Can she afford my services and about eighty thousand for bail?" he countered, wiping his mouth.

"Shut up!" I groaned, yanking the plate from his hand. In situations like this, I hated his attitude. "Do whatever is necessary. I want her out before midnight."

I turned to leave when I heard his voice full of annoyance.

"It’s eleven-fifty!" he rumbled at my back, but I didn’t spare him another glance.

"Then start working."


The Knight in Shinning Armor


Iwassittingonthe wooden bench, freezing and trembling in fear. I was only in my thin short dress, and the prison cell was a nasty, dirty, and cold place. In my mind, one horrible scenario was fighting with another. Being caught with heroin in my hand by the police was the worst thing that could ever happen to me.

I was never a user or drinker. God! I was an honourable citizen. My dad would have a heart attack when he found out about this. And Mom would never stop using this against me. All of my friends and family would know about this. My reputation was ruined by one stupid decision.

With an exasperated sigh, I stood up. I leaned against the bars, looking at the closed door on the other side. Two police officers were inside, watching TV. They didn’t care about me or the snoring old woman in the cell with me. At least I wasn’t stuck in this small place with some monstrous murderer. That would be the pinnacle.

When they brought me here, they gave me an opportunity to use the phone, but I refused. I wanted to postpone calling Zoe until the next day. Because I didn’t know where she was, trying her cell was pointless. She could be in the middle of some wild sex, and answering the phone was the last thing on her mind.

Of course, I could have tried my parents, but I wasn't ready to face their wrath. It wasn’t important that I didn’t do anything wrong. The evidence was stacked against me. No one believed me, no matter what I said.

The screeching sound of an old door opening woke me up from my musing, and I looked at the middle-aged officer in the rumpled uniform. Without a word, he opened the cell, motioning for me to walk out.

"What is going on?" I asked, afraid he wanted to lead me into some underground facility where they would torture me. I’d seen too many movies about drug lords, and if someone thought that I was part of their network, then my situation was even worse than I thought.

"You’re free," the man grumbled, grabbing me by my elbow and leading me out. I was ferociously taking steps, trying not to stumble over my feet. Happiness clouded my brain for a second, but I was quickly brought back to reality by a ridiculously unpleasant woman who was giving me my belongings back.

"You’ll be notified about the court hearing in the next few weeks," she spat, handing me my purse, phone, and golden bracelet. I gulped, swallowing questions about that statement. I planned to ask Zoe about it. The idea of me standing before the judge and explaining what happened was scary.

"Your lawyer is waiting for you outside." She pointed to the exit, ignoring my confusion. Another officer opened the door for me, and I was rushed into the hall and into the cold night.

I took a deep, shaky breath, pushing back the tears that welled in my eyes. I couldn’t comprehend how I ended up here at the bottom of the stairs of the hideous police building.

I hugged my torso with my arms, glancing around, searching for the taxi. Yet, the only thing I saw was a huge figure of a man whose back was facing me. However, I knew who he was.

Slowly, I walked to him, preparing to face his fury. But just as I was about to greet him, he turned, and I stopped in my tracks. It wasn’t my boss. It was his younger brother, Andreas.

"Hello, Miss Hernandez," he said in a low voice so similar to his brother's. "It’s good to be out, isn’t it?"

I raised my eyebrows, blinking a few times. I’d never met him, yet I was truly grateful for his help. However, I didn’t require his presence, and I certainly didn’t have the money to afford his overpriced services.

"Thank you," I whispered, staring into his handsome face. Both he and my boss looked very much alike, but I wasn’t fond of the glare Andreas was giving me.

"You should thank Bastian, darling," he stated, opening the door to the expensive black Mercedes. "If it were me, I would have left you there until Monday to learn your lesson."
