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My eyes widened, and I felt anger boiling in my chest. He didn’t know what had happened and acted like I was already guilty. This was a perfect representation of how the court hearing would go. He sentenced me without me saying a word in my defence.

"I’m not a drug dealer!" I almost shouted right into his arrogant face. I totally forgot that a few seconds ago, I was shaking from the cold.

"Police are saying something different," he pointed out, motioning with his hand for me to get in. But I refused to be inside the enclosed space with him.

"I’ll take a cab," I spat, unlocking the screen on my phone. "How much do I owe you?" I was afraid of what he would say to me, but my pride wouldn't let me accept his assistance for free. After all, he got me out after only two hours in a dirty cell.

"One hundred and twenty thousand for bail, three thousand for my time, and I’m not sure how much the judge will charge for waking him up in the middle of the night.” He was staring expectantly at me like he thought I would take the money out of my small bag. Yet I was so shocked that first, I needed to collect my jaw from the sidewalk.

"However," he continued with a cocky smirk, "you don’t owe that to me but to your boss. I would start thinking about repayment if I were you."

"I have some savings," I murmured, even when I knew that I wasn’t able to handle such an expense.

"I’m sure Bastian will have the money in his bank account on Monday," Andreas mocked me, and I pressed my lips together. I never thought that someone could be worse than my boss. But his brother was on a whole new level. Mr Thorn at least didn’t humiliate and ridicule me because I wasn’t filthy rich.

"Why didn’t he come?" I asked, feeling dejected that he bailed me out but sent his brother to scold me. He could at least come and do it by himself.

"He did," Andreas stated, pointing with his long finger at the car. He was still holding the door open, and I peeked inside, seeing my boss sitting there, typing on his phone.

"Get in!" he rumbled in his typical hostile baritone, and I instantly regretted the desire to meet him. Yet, I also felt a strange, familiar tingling in my lower abdomen. I was in deep shit, and he came to rescue me. He didn’t let me rot behind bars like his brother would. If I was obsessed with him before, after saving my pathetic ass, he became my knight in shining armour.

I climbed onto the seat next to him, squeezing the purse in my hands. Andreas closed the door, and the car moved. For a few long moments, none of us said anything. I was barely breathing, but I enjoyed the warmth on my skin. It was freezing outside.

"Thank you," I whispered after maybe another two minutes when the silence became unbearable. I was watching Mr Thorn’s stoic face out of the corner of my eye, expecting him to yell at me that I had cost him a small fortune. "I’ll repay you every penny."

"I don’t need your money, Electra," he replied, placing his phone on the seat between us. He finally looked at me, and the glint in his crystal-blue orbs made my heart clench painfully in my chest. He was disappointed in me.

"Are you okay?"

His question took me completely by surprise. I certainly didn’t expect him to care about my well-being after this fiasco.

"I’m fine," I muttered, searching his face for some kind of emotion, yet there wasn’t any.

"That’s good." He was frowning out the window at something outside while I was fidgeting in my seat. He was making me nervous with his weird, kind behaviour.

"Give me a reason not to fire you, Electra," he said all of the sudden, knocking the air out of my lungs. I was already in trouble with the police; I didn’t need to lose my job too.

"What?" I breathed, hoping I had heard him wrong. But when he turned to me, I knew he was deadly serious about his words. He wanted to kick my ass out of his company.

"Do you have any idea what you caused?" He tilted his head to the side, and his eyes were staring daggers at me. "You put the reputation of my company at stake." He raised his voice, making me shrink in my seat. I looked down at my hands in my lap, chewing my bottom lip. "You almost destroyed my reputation. What the hell is wrong with you!?"

"I didn’t—" I started, but he instantly cut me off.

"You didn’t what? Deal drugs? You weren’t caught with heroin in your hand?"

He was raging, and who could have blamed him? His private assistant was involved in dealing drugs. It didn’t matter that I didn’t do anything. Thinking about it, Zoe probably wouldn’t be able to help me with such a huge accusation.

"You’re lucky that the girl who was with you in the bathroom survived," he continued, shaking his head, his gorgeous face twisted with fury. "What the fuck were you thinking?"

For a millisecond, I thought he would hug me. He was staring at me like I was some lost puppy or failed project. It had been a long time since I felt this way. My mom was an expert at making me feel horrible.

"I was helping her," I whispered, my lower lip quivering. "She overdosed with that shit."

"You don’t say," he groaned, running his hand through his tousled black hair. "Tell me the truth, Electra. What happened in the club?"

"Will you believe me?" I looked him directly in the eyes, seeing nothing. He was like a machine, dead set on saving his company and his precious reputation. However, I didn’t have a choice but to tell him everything. He was able to help me. I just needed to make him believe me.

