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So, in a trembling voice, I repeated what I had already told the police. That I discovered a half-dead girl in the bathroom, and just as the squad team burst through the door, I was studying the contents of the petite pack.

"That’s all?" Mr Thorn raised one of his thick brows at me, and I nodded, expecting another round of barking.

"I’ll see what I can do with your situation." He nodded in the direction of the door, and I noticed the car had stopped in front of my apartment building. But there was one more thing I needed to ask.

"Are you going to fire me?" My voice wavered when I said those words. I didn’t want to leave Thorn Enterprises disgraced and humiliated for one stupid mistake and horrible timing.

"You should leave, or I might change my mind," he growled in that sexy, profound baritone, and I gave him a smile. He didn’t have any idea how grateful I was.

"Thank you," I whispered, opening the door and getting out of the car. My mind was already in my warm bed, and I was hugging my favourite teddy bear. I threw one last glance at the fancy car parked on the sidewalk, and as always, my heart skipped a few beats.

Despite being a jerk most of the time, he cared. And that’s what mattered, right?




Ispenttheweekendwith my parents and Zoe, checking the news every ten minutes, but, unsurprisingly, there was nothing about my jail time. I didn’t say a word to my best friend, and I kept my mouth shut during the lunch with my mom and dad as well. If Mr Thorn’s people were able to erase that misconduct, I shouldn’t talk about it and spread the word.

I came to work on Monday with my heart racing in my chest, but none of my colleagues said anything. They weren’t throwing sideways glances in my direction, and they weren’t whispering to each other about me. Nobody knew anything had happened, and by lunchtime, I was doing my happy dance, knowing Mr Thorn had taken care of everything.

However, if I thought that things would be okay between my boss and me, I couldn’t be more wrong.

At first, I was under the impression something had happened with his other company because one of his closest partners, Derek Simons, called and was on the phone with him for two hours. Then, Andreas came and spent the whole afternoon with Mr Thorn in his office; yet, when they were leaving, and my boss didn’t even spare me a glance, I knew something wasn’t right.

From Monday to Friday, it was the same song over and over again, barking orders and ignorance, and then he left. It felt like I was stuck in a nightmare, and I couldn’t wake up. No matter what I did, he always found a way to avoid me, and I felt like shit. I was doing my best every single day, but it was never enough to earn his attention.

The weekend was like a redemption for me. I wasn’t in the mood to go anywhere or talk about my situation. I was depressed by my boss’s lack of interest in me. But Zoe was a pusher, and she succeeded in making me speak.

So eventually, I came clean about the club incident. Her surprise was evident, but after she threw some light on the whole thing, I realised I was happy to have outted myself. If Mr Thorn wasn’t such a powerful figure, I would have been still stuck between the walls of that dirty place.

"I can’t imagine what he must’ve done to get you out." Zoe shook her head, frowning. We were sitting on the couch in my living room, drinking wine. "Basically, you don’t have anything on your side. There's an overdosed girl, and you holding drugs." She looked at me, her face filled with concern. "If someone as crazy as Andreas Thorn was against you, you could’ve been charged with involuntary manslaughter."

"Are you nuts?" I squealed, and my eyes almost fell out of their sockets. I forgot about how serious the whole thing was because I was preoccupied with my boss’s repulsion toward me.

"I’m not," she replied, shrugging. "It would have been a long shot, but for sure, no judge would have let you walk out of prison."

"He hates me." I sighed, hiding my face behind my palms. I wanted nothing more than to go back in time and avoid going into that stupid club. Everything would be much easier.

"You probably caused a lot of trouble," Zoe admitted, pouring me another glass. "But he knows how to get out of it."

"It would be better if I didn’t work for him." I bit my lower lip, thinking. It was the best solution for this situation. He was furious with me. He couldn’t even look at me. If I were gone, he could hire someone who wouldn’t be making him sick every time he walked out of the elevator.

And maybe it would also be better for me. I wouldn’t be thinking about him at every possible moment. My obsession, as Zoe was calling it, could be cured.

"You don’t mean it, Electra." My best friend placed her hand on my knee. "You love that ugly building."

I smiled sadly, tears welling in my eyes. I never worked anywhere but there. Right after my graduation, I applied for a job, and I got it. It was my biggest achievement.

"It’s time to move on," I sobbed, helplessly throwing my arms in the air. "It would be for the best."

"I’ll support your every decision," she stated sincerely, looking kindly at me.

I nodded, making up my mind. I couldn’t be around Mr Thorn if he acted like I was his enemy. His obvious disinterest was cutting deep into my soul. After he literally saved my ass, I was attached to him even more. I knew deep in my heart that I didn’t want to be just his assistant, yet he obviously wanted me to be only his employee. It wasn’t healthy for me to stay around him. The sooner I leave, the better.

