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IenteredtheThornEnterprises building a few minutes before seven am, greeting the receptionist with a small smile. The young redhead was talking with the security guy, and they both nodded when I walked past them.

I pressed the button on the elevator, waiting impatiently till it came. My stomach was in cramps, and I was taking small, steady breaths just to calm myself down. In my black purse, I had a letter of resignation that I was planning to leave on Mr Thorn’s desk after working hours.

I checked myself in the mirror, adjusting the grey skirt and a long-sleeved sea-green blouse. I removed my beige trench coat, double-checking that everything was in its proper place before walking into the thirty-floor corridor. Miss Blake was already pacing back and forth in front of my table, and the door into Mr Thorn’s office was closed. I was sure that I left it open when I left yesterday.

"Good morning, Miss Blake," I greeted politely, and she turned to me.

"Hello," she replied, frowning. "Don’t mind me. I’m just waiting for Bastian."

I nodded, and my heart skipped a beat. I sat down behind my desk, preparing everything as usual. I didn’t want to disturb Mr Thorn’s peace so early in the morning by knocking on his door. Obviously, he was dealing with some emergency again.

After a few minutes, Alessandra left because her phone wouldn’t stop ringing. I didn’t know what was going on, but in the next two minutes, she grabbed her bag and jacket and literally ran to the elevator. By the time Mr Thorn opened his door with a file in his hand, she was long gone.

"Where is she?" He was scanning the hall with his blue eyes, trying to locate her, but when he didn’t find her, he shot me a confused glance while handing me papers.

"She left in a hurry," I replied, taking in the man standing in front of me. He was dressed in a white button-up shirt with a pink tie slightly loosened around his neck; his glasses were in the pocket on the left side of his chest, and he wasn’t shaved. His hair was tousled, and he looked tired but still absolutely breathtaking.

"How was your weekend?" he asked out of the blue, and my brows shot up. He hadn’t wanted to know anything personal about me for almost two weeks.

"Pizza and Netflix," I answered, almost forgetting to breathe when he came closer.

"We need to talk, Miss Hernandez," he said in a low voice, staring into my eyes, and I slowly nodded, standing up.

"Yes, we do," I agreed, fishing an envelope with the letter from my bag. I changed my mind, realizing that it would be inappropriate of me to just leave it in his office. I would rather deal with it face-to-face and without a scene.

Even when I feared his reaction, I expected to feel relieved. I genuinely believed he wanted me gone, yet when he frowned at the white envelope in my hand, tilting his head to the side, I knew he didn’t have a clue what I was doing.

"What’s this?" he inquired, his face expressionless. He was looking at my trembling fingers as if I was handing him a bomb.

"My l-letter of resignation." I hated that I stumbled over my words. I wanted to sound confident, but around this man, I could never be at ease.

"I think I heard you wrong," he growled, glaring at me. "Did you say resignation?"

I felt my lower lip quiver, as my whole body shook. I didn’t want to do this. Shit! I loved my job, but it wasn’t healthy to repeatedly dream about him. I had to get him out of my head. And with his attitude, rude behaviour, and ignorance, I couldn’t stay. I needed a boss who valued my work and would be glad for the effort I made to make his or her life easier.

This man was a nightmare, and I wanted to finally wake up.

"Yes, sir. I want to quit working for you." I moved my arm closer to him, waving the envelope slightly in front of his face, yet he didn’t look at it. He was piercing me with his crystal-blue eyes, making my insides flutter under his probing gaze.

"Miss Hernandez," he addressed me sternly, straightening his spine. As always, the immediate effect of his tone on me was immense. A familiar, pleasurable tingle spread from my lower abdomen, waking up butterflies in my stomach. I really missed that low sound. "Do you think you can just quit?"

I took in a deep breath, overwhelmed by his dominating stance. He looked even bigger than usual.

"I can do what I want, Mr Thorn," I stated, mustering all my strength to face him. He couldn’t threaten me into working for him. I wasn’t some fragile, timid young girl afraid of the world outside. Yes, maybe he was right, and I was a submissive person. I liked to feel protected in the strong arms of my man, but I knew how to handle my battles. He couldn’t say or do anything that would make me change my mind.

However, Mr Thorn wasn’t an ordinary man who did what people expected of him. I was anxious to hear him bark at me or yell that I was an ungrateful employee, yet to my great surprise, he just stood in front of my table; not one muscle on his face suggested that he was furious with me.

"Of course, you can, Electra," he admitted, tapping the tips of his fingers gently against the wooden surface of my desk. "But I would like you to stay."

My breath hitched in my throat, and I furrowed my eyebrows. Yet, he wasn’t finished knocking the air out of my lungs.

"You’re the best assistant I’ve ever had." He looked me dead in the eyes, and I noticed a silent plea in his crystal-blue orbs. "I will be completely lost if you abandon your position, Electra. I need you. Please, don’t do this."

My jaw literally fell on the floor, and I was staring at him, totally dumbfounded. The only thing that came to mind was that he was under the influence of something very strong that momentarily changed his personality. Otherwise, this change of behaviour didn’t make any sense.

"Are you drunk, Mr Thorn?" I asked when I found my voice, letting my arm with the envelope fall.
