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"Did your date dump you?"

I snapped my head in the direction of the unknown young man who was grinning at me. He was very tall and his lean figure needed some nutrition. He wasn’t ugly or anything, but my brain now automatically compared every man with my boss, and honestly, no one had a chance. Certainly not a guy who looked like he would break in half if a strong wind blew.

"Excuse me?" I raised my eyebrows at him, noticing Mr Thorn at the door, talking to some older woman.

"You’re sitting here alone, and you obviously don’t belong here," the stranger pointed out, plopping down next to me. I didn’t like his rude comment, and when he leaned closer to me, putting his hand on my knee under the table, I winced in shock. “How much does he pay you? I’ll double it."

"What?" I breathed, dumbfounded. I didn’t understand what he was talking about. Then his hand moved up my leg, and when I tried to discreetly push him away, he only chuckled. Despite him giving an impression of a tooth stick, he was much stronger than me.

"Okay, I’ll triple it, but we’re leaving right now," he grumbled, abruptly standing up and holding his hand out. He probably expected me to take it, but I was too shocked to react in any way. His words slowly started to make sense to me when he impatiently wriggled his fingers.

"What is going on here?"

I had never been so glad to hear that deep, grumpy voice. I was determined to stay glued to my chair and wait for my boss to show up, but thankfully, he was fast. Making a scene in the prestigious, popular restaurant would only attract unwanted attention.

"Sorry, man. She’s leaving with me," the thin man stated confidently, bending over to grab my hand when Mr Thorn stopped him.

"Don’t you dare touch her!" he hissed, too quietly for the other guests to hear him but loud enough for the stranger to halt his movements. He slowly turned around, his arrogant grin disappearing.

"Or what?" he challenged, and my heart skipped a beat. Mr Thorn’s emotionless face was terrifying, but his deadly stare was what gave me goosebumps. I was extremely grateful he was defending me, but this could end terribly.

“Or nothing," I quickly interjected, rising to my feet. "We’re leaving." I looked at Mr Thorn, who was still killing the man with his glare, as he slightly nodded his head. He didn’t break eye contact with the intruder’s face until I was standing right in front of him. He gave me a quick glance, motioning for me to walk. I released a deep breath, happy that we were out of that unpleasant situation, yet the stranger just couldn’t admit defeat.

“Enjoy her fat ass, rich boy," he called out, earning a gasp from me. A few guests raised their heads from their most likely delicious meals, staring at us like we were aliens. And it didn’t help the situation that Mr Thorn swiftly turned around and punched the idiot right on the nose.

I squealed, covering my mouth with my hands, when two huge security men ran to us, taking Bastian and me away. I was breathing rapidly, not knowing what to say, while we waited outside for a car. Mr Thorn threw a sideways look my way, but he didn’t say anything either. He just returned my phone to me.

I knew he was a hot-headed guy who sometimes had a problem controlling his temper. A few times, I’d witnessed his father losing his cool at the company meetings with shareholders, and his son was basically the same. I should probably be horrified, and obviously, I was shocked by his behaviour. Yet, watching from the front line as he broke someone’s nose because of me was super-hot.

I almost rolled my eyes at myself because of how cheesy it sounded. I was a grown-up woman, who should have already known that bad boys meant trouble, but what could I do? He was so goddamn sexy.

"Will you be okay?" Mr Thorn rumbled next to me, interrupting my musing about him protecting my honour.

"Yes, sir." I nodded, giving him a small smile. "Thank you."

He didn't care at all that I thanked him, he just opened the door for me to let me into his expensive limousine.

"Forget about it, Miss Hernandez," he ordered in his usual stern voice when I was comfortably seated on the back leather seat, and I quickly confirmed I’d heard with a nod. "If someone asks, nothing happened today."

"Of course," I whispered, and he slammed the door shut and walked away.

I bit my lower lip, staring out the window as we passed the different streets. I was starving, despite claiming I wasn’t hungry before, and the adrenaline rush had slowly dissipated. The only thing that stayed in my mind was Mr Thorn and his behaviour. He was a man who was known to be concerned with his reputation, yet he risked it because of a stupid comment that should have insulted me. Why did he react this way?

I was only his assistant. He was constantly making me feel like I was nothing to him. He was rude and arrogant, but when someone was harassing me, he changed into the knight in shining armour. What the hell?

I was exhausted and confused—not to mention still hungry. It was a horrible combination. I desperately needed to find myself a man. Otherwise, drooling over my boss would become very unprofessional. And the last thing I wanted was for him to notice I was fantasizing about him, any more than he already had. His huge ego really didn’t need that kind of encouragement.




"Hedidwhat?"Zoealmost yelled while I frantically nodded, confirming my words. I told her about the dinner with my boss, and she reacted exactly as I expected. "Are you sure you weren’t dreaming?"

"C’mon," I groaned, rolling my eyes at her. Sometimes, she was impossible. And since I started to work for Bastian Thorn, she didn’t believe anything I said.

"Electra, we’re talking about the richest, independent visionary with the body of the Greek god and a face that could have gotten him a job in every modelling agency. Are you sure you were out with him yesterday?" She leaned closer, frowning at me, trying to intimidate me with her stern glare. She was a police officer, and maybe it worked for criminals, but I was annoyed by her antics.
