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"It was a business dinner," I reminded her because she was acting as though I was on a date with him.

"Exactly. Why would he punch someone?" She raised her eyebrows, shrugging.

"He was defending me," I repeated what I had already told her before, saying it slowly this time, but she didn’t seem to care about my answer.

"You’re his PA, not his wife, darling," she pointed out, stirring her coffee with a small spoon.

"What’s your problem, Zoe?" I asked, putting down the fork and moving the cake away. I’d lost my appetite, even though the strawberry cheesecake was delicious.

"I don’t want you to get hurt," she replied, her expression softening. "You like him, don’t you?"

I didn’t answer. What could I say? That he played the lead in all of my fantasies? It was embarrassing, yet I couldn’t help but feel connected to him. I browsed the internet for some signs or rumours that he was a notorious womaniser or that he had a girlfriend, but nothing popped up. There wasn’t a woman by his side for more than a decade, and many thought that maybe he liked men. However, it was hard for me to believe that while he was cornering me in his office, he imagined some hot guy.

"He is my boss, Zoe," I remarked, packing my phone and closing my bag. "I have to go back to work. He hates it when I’m late."

"Just be careful, okay?" She stood up, embracing me. "I know that he is irresistible," she whispered into my ear. "Just think before you spread your legs."

I groaned loudly, and she burst out laughing. I took a sharp breath, grinning at her as she winked at me and walked out to the busy street. We parted ways after another quick hug, and I hurried to the Thorn Enterprises building.

Mr Thorn wasn’t in his office the entire morning, and before I left for my lunch break, he still hadn’t shown up. I had to cancel four of his meetings, and in the afternoon, he had another two, but I didn’t know what to do. He didn’t send me instructions, and I started to feel anxious when his two o’clock appointment was waiting for him in the conference room fifteen minutes earlier.

I was just in his office, arranging his pens and papers, at least for the millionth time out of pure nervousness, when he walked in, frowning with his eyes fixed on me.

"Cancel the meeting," he ordered as he unbuttoned his dark blue jacket and tossed it on the couch. "I have something important to take care of."

"Yes, Mr Thorn," I replied politely, thinking about what I should say to the high-ranking politician impatiently awaiting him. I quickly prepared an excuse, walking down the hall to present it, but I only found an empty room. I glanced around, almost facepalming myself because it looked like I expected him to be hidden in the corner.

With furrowed eyebrows, I left the conference room, thinking about where he could have gone. It was only a few minutes before two pm. Mr Thorn wasn’t late, so it was weird he had disappeared.

I sat down behind my desk, checking emails and answering phone calls, as usual, totally forgetting about the situation with the missing politician. That was until Mr Thorn roared into the phone, calling me into his office.

I walked in, bringing him his afternoon coffee and waiting for him to start barking orders at me. Yet, he wasn’t paying me any attention, and after a few seconds, I lost myself in ogling his handsome, focused face with its plump lips and small wrinkle between his eyebrows. He was wearing modern glasses with a thick black frame, which greatly complemented the white button-up shirt, and because he wasn’t wearing a tie, the look of a careless professor was perfect.

"Wipe that drool from your mouth, Miss Hernandez," he spoke suddenly, waking me from my reverie. I blinked a few times, gaping at him, but he was still concentrating on his computer, and for a second, I wasn’t sure if I didn’t imagine it, too. But then, he opened his voluptuous mouth again, reminding me who he really was. The egomaniac.

"I know I'm an attractive, desirable, and temping man,” he uttered in a low, seductive whisper, playfully winking at me.

My mouth went dry in a millisecond, and my core was tightening. He was right; no man had ever had such a huge effect on me. I was overcome by a primal desire for this magnetic male who was playing with me like a cat with a mouse. Yet, I didn’t know how to resist him. It was like some force was pulling me towards him.

"I’m sorry," I breathed, glued to the floor, unable to move. He rose to his feet, slowly approaching me, until he stopped right in front of me. He was much taller than I was. Even in my high heels, my forehead was the same level as his chin.

"Don’t be sorry, Electra," he whispered, leaning closer, so our noses almost touched. "I have that effect on women." His breath fanned my cheek, and the smell of strawberries and mint tickled my nose. I was barely standing on my wobbly legs. His presence was overwhelming.

"However," he rumbled out of the blue, pulling away as his strong voice echoed off the walls. It took him only a second to destroy that moment. "I demand an explanation as to why a vitally important man called me a few minutes ago to say he was waiting for me for an hour!"

"W-what?" I stammered, not understanding his words. I didn’t have a clue what he was talking about.

"The representative of the department of telecommunications from earlier," he reminded me sternly, and I frowned, slightly shaking my head.

"He wasn’t in the conference room," I stated, glancing at my boss, who surprisingly didn’t look angry at all, which was even scarier than if he had yelled at me.

"I already checked the footage. He was in the bathroom," he clarified, and I took a sharp breath. "This is a rookie mistake, Miss Hernandez," he continued, making my stomach twist with uneasiness. "I was told you’re the best, but I’m not so convinced about it."

"I’m sorry, Mr Thorn. I didn't—" I began, but he instantly cut me off with his raised hand.

"I don’t care about your apology. I’m taking away your bonus. It should teach you to not forget about your duties." He leaned on his desk, half sitting on it, squeezing the edge of the table with his hands. "Leave."

My heart skipped a few beats in a row, not because of him taking away my money but because of the disappointing look he was giving me. I did everything he ever wanted from me. I made one mistake, and he was acting like I had committed a horrible crime.
