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“Come on, sweets.” Tey pulls back, running his hand over the top of my head with a grin that brings out the dimple on his left cheek.

Walking hand in hand towards the front door, it opens before we can step onto the crumbling front porch.

“Tey! You’re back!” a little boy shouts gleefully and launches himself into Tey’s arms the moment we are standing in front of the door.

Tey lets go of my hand to catch the boy, who can’t be older than five. They both laugh as Tey holds the kid to his side with one arm, his other hand rubbing small circles over his Superman t-shirt that has a few holes under the armpits.

“I said I would be. I always keep my promises, don’t I,little man?” Tey tickles the kid's sides, making him wiggle and shriek in laughter.

I can’t stop grinning; I love seeing Tey this way. He’s good with kids, which is probably why he’s constantly slipping in little hints that he wants to knock me up. He wants me barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, or, in his case… in the dungeon. He can keep dreaming; I’m not even sure if I want kids. Me, a mother? I can picture a somewhat hazy image of a little girl with Tey’s electric blue eyes and long black hair that resembles Nicky. It’s impossible to get pregnant by two men at the same time, but that’s all I’m seeing if I ever want to have a child. Dalton would be her protector, teaching her how to be independent while dressing up for tea parties if she demanded it. Logan would be stern but doting, to the point that she would be spoiled as hell. She’d be a little psycho like Tey, probably killing someone at the young age of six while Tey cheered her on with love shining in his gaze. Nicky would be bossy, creating a mini version of him. And my King, Dom, would treat her like a princess.

If it was a boy, I’d pray for him every night because he’d turn out just like his daddies.

My God.

We would all be doomed if we had children. They’d be monsters, but our little monsters. I can’t believe I’m picturing this. Can I see myself being a mother?

Yeah, I think I can, but only with my guys by my side. I can’t see myself raising a child with anyone else.

I’d teach my kid that it’s okay to cry, to be happy, or to be angry. That if she or he falls, they can get right back up. I’ll be there every step of the way.

I’m losing my mind over here, and I'm seconds away from having a panic attack. What the hell am I thinking? I'm not even out of high school yet.

Crap. I have baby on the brain, and I haven’t even received a diploma. I’m too young to be a mom! Everyone just needs to chill here and take some deep breaths before I spiral into a panic attack. I think I’m the only one freaking out. This is all Tey’s fault.

I try to distract my thoughts with something else so I don’t end up attacking Tey and demanding he put a baby in me.

Think, Tillie. Think!

What is boring and not life-threatening at the moment… Ah! Got it! School.

I imagine my fist pumping in the air and patting myself on the back. School is a normal subject; everyone worries about it. Not me so much. It’s better than being kidnapped, tortured, and kidnapped again. I’m probably not graduating now after missing so much fucking school. I used to be proud of that one thing I had control over before I came to California. Good grades are something I could say I achieved myself. Unless I pull a Dalton and just get my GED.

One step at a time.I have to remind myself.

Someone’s always trying to kill me every few days; I deserve a freaking break. I’ll worry about it later. Maybe Nicky can tutor me; he’s too smart for his own good, plus he’ll like bossing me around.

“Arthur, meet my gorgeous Tillie. Gorgeous, this is King Arthur.” Tey introduces us with a grin, pulling me out of my crazy thoughts.

I’m about to say hi and ask the little guy if he thinks Tey is a good big brother since he seems great with children, but I quickly change my mind.

He holds Arthur away from his body and crouches just before he launches the kid in the air over his head. My heartfucking drops down to my ass as Arthur screams, looking like he’s flying like Superman, so high up over Tey.

“Tey!” I shriek, clutching my chest in panic with both hands as I reach out as if to catch Arthur.

I breathe out a relieved sigh as Tey catches him, both of them turning their heads to look at me like I’m crazy for yelling and fluttering around them like a mother hen.

“Calm down, Til. We do this all the time. No one ever threw you up in the air?” Tey questions me, setting Arthur down on the driveway when he sees my worried expression.

I can’t help but think the kid will end up in space with how high Tey was throwing him. Or break all his bones if he falls.

“Maybe don’t toss kids around me like you're juggling them. Okay?” I choke out, watching as Arthur gives me a weird look as if I’m the crazy one, just before he takes off to run into the backyard.

“I promise not to throw kids around you anymore, precious,” Tey coos, leading me into the house while rubbing my back in soothing circles.

I squint my eyes at him, noticing he didn’t mention he wouldn’t throw kids even if I wasn't around him. Smooth and easy words come off his tongue like silk. I can pretend I didn’t know I was being lied to for peace of mind and all that jazz.

“Fucker,” I hiss out of the corner of my mouth and pinch his side, hiding my own grin as he chuckles under his breath with a shrug.
