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I can’t help it. I get so fucking mad when I think of her running away again. Making me chase after her. It’s as if she wants me to hurt her.

“Tell me you won’t leave and that you love me.” I grind my teeth, shaking her head once more as she cries out in pain and scrambles to wrap her fingers around my wrist to ease the pressure.

“No.” She stubbornly lifts her chin, glaring up at me as if she has a choice.

Oh well. I’ll have her kissing my feet very soon enough and telling me she loves me after every other word that comes out of her fuckable mouth.

“No? We’ll see about that. It's a real shame that I’ll have to keep you on a tight leash for a while until you learn yourlesson. You’ll be seeing my face everywhere, Little Bird. From the moment you wake up, when you have to take a piss. And when I feel like feeding you, you’ll take the food I give you from my hands with this disobedient mouth.” I grip her chin harshly, squeezing as tears fill her eyes and caress her bottom lip. “You and I are going to be tied together for a long time. You’ll get used to my face between your legs and my cock fucking your pussy every day whenever I feel like it.”

I release her with a shove, the vein throbbing on my forehead as she shakes her head continuously and wraps her arms around her stomach.

She’ll learn quickly. I’m not a patient man, and if I don’t have use for something any more, I dispose of it.

“Fuck. Stop crying, you cunt. Get up,” I growl in annoyance, grabbing her wrists impatiently and dragging her to her feet when she fights me every few inches.

“No. Fucking stop! I won’t let you—never again,” she cries out, trying to yank her arm out of my hand as I walk out of the gallery of rich mahogany and gold accents decorated on every surface.

Fucking rich people.

“Get used to living like the rich for a few days while you can. Once we get to Russia, I will teach you why you should never run away from me again,” I tell her, my voice sounds unhinged and obsessive to my own ears.

“Rus-Russia?” she stutters, fear evident in her tone, which gives me a rush of endorphins.

“No one will help you, especially where we are headed. Step out of line, and I’ll freely let men destroy your pussy before you come crawling back to me.” My facial expression remains blank as I stare down into her huge pupils that keep shrinking and expanding in terror.

“What about the rest of the Demon Jokers?” she asks with a shiver, climbing on unsteady legs behind me as I continue walking out onto the side deck of the yacht and leading us towards the stairs to the captain's cabin.

“They are a joke. I’ve never cared one way or another about the club; it was never my end goal. Being president to a bunch of Neanderthal fools wasn’t part of my plans. Since the moment I met you, I knew I had to have you,” I confess, furrowing my brows as a unhinged giggle escapes her.

I only ever speak the truth, so why would she think that’s funny? Did she think I shared her with the club brothers to be cruel? No, I did that to teach her a lesson that, in the end… I’ll be the one who has her last. It never matters who her first is; I’ll be right there to set her straight every time she’s bleeding on the floor.

“You're sick. Fucking delusional,” she hisses between her teeth, her arm practically vibrating in my hand as I tighten my grip until I know it will leave bruises.

“I might be sick, but that’s because of you. It’s your fault I’m this way. I love you!” I swirl around once we reach the top deck and grab her shoulder to shake her as I yell in her face.

“You plan on throwing her overboard before you get to fuck her?” Nix asks behind me in amusement, his cigar clouding the air around us.

I realized I had backed her into the railing, shaking her roughly enough that her head snapped back as her upper body was draped halfway over the ledge.

“Fuck! Look what you do to me!” I release her, running my hands through my hair as I pace back and forth in front of her, and she collapses with a gasp to her knees.

“Fuck you,” she rasps out, her chest heaving while narrowing her eyes with rage, taking over her features.

My fists clench at my sides, distantly hearing Nix chuckle behind me as she talks back to me. I turn around and look at him, half emerging from the shadows near the captain’s pit. His bearded face split in a grin, the cut running over his right eye making him look menacing as he stares at Tillie while licking his lips.

The sick fuck. He doesn’t love her or want to live mentally in her mind like me, but he does want her body. He taught her how to ride a bicycle, watched her grow up, and fucked her at the first chance he got.

“You know what? Let this lesson be one to remember, Little Bird.” I curl my lip in a sneer as I look down at her, still on her knees at my feet, almost pathetic except for the fire burning in her gaze.

“Need some help, Prez?” Nix asks, his tone laced with dark intent and desire.

I keep my gaze on Tillie as I answer him, feeling my cock harden as she pales to the point of looking like she’s going to vomit.

“You know what? I think I do need some help with Little Bird. She’s already on her knees, so you might as well use this to your advantage.”

“Oh, you got it, Prez. She has a wide mouth. I want to stuff it full,” Nix says with a chuckle and walks over to stand right in front of her kneeling position, causing me to step back and watch her suffer at another man’s hands.

It’s different seeing her pain than pleasure. At least I know she’s getting so traumatized from this that she’ll practically be begging for me to take her instead of any other man.
