Page 117 of Undone

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“You sure this shirt looks good? I could wear the light-blue one instead.” I fiddle with the button on the sleeve, my big, clumsy fingers unable to slide the tiny plastic through the hole.

“Yes. It’s great. Makes your eyes pop. Here, let me help you.” Poppy grabs my arm, easily moving the button through the hole.

“And Liv’s setting everything up?”

“Yes, King. Geez, relax. You know Liv plans events for a living. How hard could this be for her? Plus, we’ve gone over the details like five thousand times. Take a deep breath—everything’s going to be spectacular. The absolute perfect night.”

I try to follow her advice and calm down, but my heart’s racing, pounding so damn hard I’m mildly concerned I might have a heart attack on my way to the lake.

Since Juliet moved out to the ranch, life’s been amazing. Better than amazing. Everything’s been fucking perfect, each day better than the last.

And I know without a shadow of a doubt that this is right. We’re right.

She’s the woman I want—need—to spend the rest of my life with.

Our family names be damned.

Besides, hopefully after tonight, she’ll be changing her name to mine forever.

“You have the ring?” Poppy cocks her head, scrunching up her nose.

Like I’d forget the ring.

“Yeah, of course I have it.” I pat my pocket, the velvet box tucked deep down in the denim. Snug up against my thigh, a reminder of all the things to come.

It’s the same ring I’ve had for fifteen years, the one I was going to give Juliet the day we lost the baby. The diamond ring’s been tucked away in my nightstand ever since. Waiting for her.

“You should be good to go then. Oh my god, King. I can’t believe you’re doing this. It’s going to be so romantic. You sure I can’t come and film the proposal? Take pictures? Please?”

I shake my head hard, adamant. “Hell no. I’m nervous enough as it is. Last thing I need is my kid sister spying on me.”

“Spoilsport.” She chucks me on the arm but smiles bright and wide. “You’re going to do great. Just tell her how you feel. You know she’s going to say yes.”

I think she’ll say yes, but I still want tonight to be perfect. Juliet deserves it, after all this time.

“You better get going. Only twenty minutes to sunset. And you want to get to the lake first.”

“Got it, boss.” I catch Poppy off guard, giving her a quick hug. She pats my back, her tiny body pressed against me.

“Go get ’em, tiger.”

Smacking my hip, she shoos me out of my bedroom. I head to the truck, the sun already starting to drop lower in the sky. The lake’s only a five-minute drive from here, so I have plenty of time. I bump down the drive, kicking up dust as I leave the safe confines of the ranch behind.

This is it.

The day I’ve dreamed about for years.

I didn’t think this time would ever come, that this could happen for us, but here we are. And I know it’s going to be wonderful. Better than wonderful.

What Juliet and I have is timeless. It reminds me of my parents’ relationship, and they were beyond happy. Made for each other and in love until the day they died.

I know they would approve. All they ever wanted was for me to be happy.

And I am, with Juliet by my side.
