Page 120 of Undone

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“Sure thing. Good luck, you two. You’re gonna be great!” She spins the wheelchair around and heads back inside as I ease away from the curb and drive away from the hospital.

Juliet’s eyes close, and she leans back on the seat as we move down Main Street through the center of town. Taking the last right before the gravel road, I head toward the cemetery. The sky’s a bright blue, the grass lush and green as we make our way through the iron gates.

I pull to a stop, parking the truck near our family plot. Taking a deep breath, I sit with my feelings. Joy mingles with sadness, the constant push and pull between the two emotions vying for my attention. Glancing in the rearview, I catch sight of the car seat and let joy win.

“We’re here. Wait and I’ll help you out.” I rub Juliet’s arm, and her eyes slide open, the corners of her full lips curving into a soft smile.

Coming around, I offer her my hand, and she climbs down from the truck. I unbuckle Madeline, easing her tiny arms and legs from the straps, then lifting her into my arms. Her soft breath tickles my neck, the sweet scent of milk wafting up from her warm body.

We walk across the grass over to the Montgomery family plot at the far side of the cemetery. All my relatives are buried here, dating back over a century. But today I’m interested in only two.

I stand before the twin gray headstones etched with my parents’ names. Juliet’s hand finds mine, and she laces our fingers together. Letting me know I’m not doing this alone, that she’s right here by my side.

After a long minute I take a shaky breath, hot tears pricking behind my eyes.

“Mom, Dad—we brought someone to meet you.” I lift Madeline from my shoulder, cradle her in my arms, holding her out. As if they could somehow see her.

“This is our daughter, Madeline. Me and Juliet had a baby. And we named her after Mom.” My voice cracks, my body flushing with hot grief. I wish my parents were here with me, cooing over the baby, holding her and loving on her.

Juliet squeezes my hand, giving me strength.

“She’s beautiful and perfect, your first granddaughter.”

The wind blows, and I catch the scent of my mom’s perfume, a cool sense of peace wrapping around me, holding me still.

She’s here.

Madeline’s eyes pop open, and she stares up at me, blinking. Her eyes are dark blue, and the doctor said they’ll probably keep getting darker. Maybe even turn hazel like her mom’s.

The baby doesn’t cry. She stays calm in my arms, peaceful.

“They’ll look out for her, King,” Juliet whispers, glancing over at me and Madeline. “Your parents. They’ll watch over us and her now.”

“I know they will.”

I lean over, pressing a kiss to Juliet’s smooth forehead. “Thank you for this. Now let’s go home, Mrs. Montgomery.”

We walk back to the truck, and I sling one arm around Juliet’s waist protectively, our baby snuggled up tight in the crook of my other arm.

Even after all the tragedy of the past, I have everything I need, I want, in this moment.


A baby.

Forever love.

A forever family.

We’ll never be undone.
