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Never a good sign.

“Sol.” My voice hurt to use, my throat on fire. “Tell me we aren’t waiting to be made into the undead.”

She shook her head.


“You tell me.” Her voice was as raw as mine felt.

I grasped the threads of our connection, coming to an unconscious mind. My fate might not be waiting to be turned, but Kol’s was. “He’s not dead.”

She buried her face in my chest, and I managed to get an arm around her. “Thank the Goddess.”

“Where are we, and why does it smell like a healer’s wing?” There was no way we could have made it back to the First Kingdom or even another outpost.

“You’re not going to believe any of this.”

I did my best to pry my eyes open and listen to her fill me in. I couldn’t believe there were dragons in the Wild Mountains.

“We have to leave.” I tried to get up.

“You almost died. The healer didn’t know if you’d wake up.” Fear tinged her tone, and she pressed me back to the bed.

“I’m fine.” I had to be. Kol’s life depended on it.

“You’re not. Your wings were in shreds. You have to heal.”

I hissed, glad that whatever the healer had given me numbed them somewhat. That must have been why my limbs felt so heavy. “I don’t have time to heal.”

Zaria switched to mind to mind and said, “You don’t have a choice. I ‘m not sure they will let us leave.”

“It sounds like we will have to talk to these elders. They can’t keep us here. The King will tear apart the kingdoms looking for my brother and me. I am his general. He has no one else to take my place.”

Zaria sighed. “You have to heal before we can leave. Whether they let us go or we force our way out, you need to be whole.”

I tried to settle. She was right. I just couldn’t face laying here healing while Kol’s life hung in the balance.

She snuggled in beside me, and her fingers stroked my chest. “Nyx?”


“If they’ve turned other dragons in the flights, why would they have kept Kol alive this long? Do you think they will use him as bait?”

The idea hadn’t occurred to me. “I can’t answer that.” I didn’t know what to believe. I barely understood what I’d witnessed. It was too foggy to make sense of it.



“You’d go knowing it was a trap, wouldn’t you?”

“Yes,” I replied without hesitation. “I have to.” I’d go knowing it would end in our death if there was even a sliver of a chance of saving Kol.

“I know. I would, too. We can’t abandon Kol like that.”

“We have to get me healed so we can get out of here and get back to him”

“We will. I need you, though; you know how to handle fae. I already feel like I’ve said too much. I keep overthinking what’s important and what’s not.”
