Page 32 of Relentless Pursuit

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“Get used to it,” he said. “This is my norm and it will become the norm for you.”

He drew me close, squeezing my hips and leaning to kiss my lips.

“I’ll tell you what I can get used to…” I kissed him again. “This.” More kisses, and a growl moved through him.

“Are you coming inside to join us?”

“I was, but I need to take care of something important.”

I pouted, and his brow arched. “You haven’t become tired of me yet?”


“That’s what you better say,” his deep voice drawled. He kissed me again. “You’re safe. Always remember that.”

“I know.”

He left my side, and I watched him disappear when a throat cleared. I smiled and slowly turned around.

“Are you done?”

I puckered my lips. “For now.”

Sofia rushed me. “Tell me everything.”

I threw my arm around her, and we entered the dining room and finished eating.

“What do you want to know?”

“I said everything,” Sofia repeated.

“You know the most important thing.”

“How long have you two been fucking?”

“Ummm…” I shrugged. “A few months, maybe.”

“I knew it!” Emma shouted.

I rolled my eyes and smirked. “What did you know?”

“The chemistry between you two was thick whenever he was present. And that shit you two pulled in the classroom?” She mimicked Dominic’s voice. “See me after class, and I may have something for you.”

I laughed, as did Alice and Sofia.

“That was spot-on!” Sofia said.

“It sounded nothing like Dominic,” I lied.

“It kind of did,” Alice quipped.

“Hey, you’re supposed to be on my side.”

“I’m on your side.” Emma cut her eyes at Alice. “I’m on both of you guys’ side,” she reiterated.

I pursed my lips. “Pussy.”

Alice gasped, and Sofia laughed. “Oooooou, listen to you talking all spicy and shit!”
