Page 33 of Relentless Pursuit

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I suppressed a laugh. “Whatever.”

“Okay, so I want to know what happens now?” Emma asked.

“And why haven’t you been at school?” Alice added.

Sofia nodded, and I sighed.

The last month flew through my mind, and I almost didn’t know where to begin. “Look, I don’t want to rehash what I’ve been through because all of it isn’t good. As you know, like the rest of the world, my mother and father are on the run; my grandfather abruptly withdrew me from school and tried to keep me hidden at his house.”

Their eyes grew large. “Wait, wait, what?!” Emma shouted.

I nodded. “He didn’t want my mom's enemies getting to me since they had escaped,” I lied again, and I wondered how many lies I would have to tell to keep my friends ignorant about the darkness of the underworld. But I had to give them something. So, I opted for half-truths.

“Have your parents reached out to you?” Emma asked.


“Do you think they will?”

I hesitated, then shrugged. “I’m not sure. Honestly, they probably know the police will expect them to come looking for me, so I’m not sure they will.”

“Bummer,” Sofia exclaimed.

“Do you want to see them?”

I glanced at Alice. “I did see them. At my uncle’s funeral. They were granted some type of permission to attend, and that was when they made their escape.”

“Like the badasses they are,” Sofia said.

I rolled my eyes. “Girl, you should stop watching movies. This is real life.”

“Which makes them all the more badassery.”

Laughter kicked up from Emma and Alice, and I smirked.

“What am I going to do with you?” I asked.

“Love me.” She wiggled her brows.

“I already do that.”

“And I love you right back.”

“We all do,” Emma chimed.

Alice nodded. “Are you happy?”

I smiled at her. “Yes.”

“Are you safe?” Emma asked.

I glanced at her. “Yes.”

“Do you want to have a baby?”

I stared at Sofia. “I had no plans to have a child. I would've said no if you had asked me before I found out a few weeks ago. But now…yes.”

“Isn’t this going to screw Professor Lucas’s career?”
