Page 58 of Relentless Pursuit

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“Yes! Yes!”

“Where’s my father!?”

“We have to get out of here now!”

“Where is he, Bruno!?”

Bruno hesitated, then. “He’s dead.”

Shock riddled my core, and I could no longer hold myself together.

I collapsed.



I sat next to the bedside of my parents’ hospital room. Initially, we were bombarded with a team of doctors and nurses, but after they patched them up and left us for an hour, police entered the room.

I watched the exchange between my parents and the police. They wouldn’t speak to them and kept asking for a lawyer.

They were handcuffed to the bedposts, and I was eyed intensely, but they never asked me anything, which confused me.

My father made a phone call, and I left the room to find coffee. It was the first time in a while I needed it to keep me awake. I was tired; the night had been long, and the tears I’d cried after Dominic left, kept me weak.

I stood at a machine as it made my coffee, staring off in the distance. I couldn’t believe he left me—almost as if the last few months of our whirlwind romance hadn’t existed.

Except that it had, and where I would’ve gone after him like I did in the past, I didn’t have the energy to do so.

It felt weird to feel so low. I wasn’t one to sit with woes or feel bad for myself. I was usually strong—a go-getter in all aspects of my life. But that strength left me the moment Dominic did. Wanting my parents alive was the only reason I’d gotten them to the hospital.

They were screaming about lawyers as if they had forgotten they were fugitives on the run. And they had to know the police wouldn’t let them out of their sight now that they were here.

I thought about that before I brought them here, but if I didn’t, I was afraid they might die. So, I made the unfortunate decision to bring them to get help even if it meant they’d go back to prison.

At least, that’s what I thought until I entered the room and came face to face with Riccardo and Davide.

My eyes widened, and I dropped the cup of coffee in my hand. The handcuff that was once around my father's wrist and the bedpost had been removed. So had my mother’s.

“What’s wrong, granddaughter? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

My eyes shifted to my father. “What is he doing here?”

My father frowned. “He’s here to take us out of here.”

“You called him?”

“Of course he did,” Riccardo said, a smirk on his face. “You didn’t think he would let the police walk him back to prison, did you?”

I blinked rapidly and rubbed my temples. “I’m confused. How are you able to keep him from going to prison?”

“Because I run this town.” My eyes widened. “You’ve forgotten who I am. I have contacts everywhere, granddaughter.”

I glared at my father, then my mother, who sat quietly and avoided my eye contact.

“After I told you what he allowed, you call him?”

“We can’t fix the past,” my father said. “We can only mend the future.”
