Page 68 of Taking First

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She looks at the guys. “Nice meeting y’all. We’ll be cheering you all on tomorrow.”

The four of us decide we need a place to talk privately and to check in with Danny and Chloe, who didn’t answer the phone when Whit called to ask what they wanted to eat. We hit the buffet and load some takeout containers before heading up to the top floor.

The smell of vomit immediately assaults us when we walk into the room. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the sight of Danny pacing at the end of the bed in nothing but a hand towel, covering his junk, is now and forever etched in our minds.

He won’t leave Chloe, who apparently threw up on him and then was choking on her vomit when he returned from his and Marks’s room where he changed.

York and Whit offered to take care of her, but he is wigged out and refuses to leave. We manage to get everything bagged up, and housekeeping brings up new linens, and also Danny’s clothes to be laundered.

Sitting around the table in my room—which is on the other side of Danny and Mark, just two doors down from the women—we discuss being on the same page. Then, Whit and I listen to York and Marks snap at one another for not telling the other what they were doing.

By the time that is finished, the four of us eat some.

“It’s one in the morning. You need to get some sleep.”

As Marks stands, he tells York, “You can crash in Danny’s bed.”

“Sounds good.” York grabs a fry and pops it in her mouth as she stands. “You two try and get some sleep.”

“Wait, what?” Whit all but jumps out of the chair.

I catch the chair that’s falling over and then Whit around the waist. “We’ve already slept together since I’ve been home.”

Laughing, York and Marks make their exit.

“My intentions had always been PG with you until you changed that up.” I walk around to stand in front of her. “After that, all I could think about was what I wanted to do to you.”

She swallows hard, and I step back.

“You’ve got nothing to worry about, Whitley Mae Belington. We’re going to sleep tonight, maybe cuddle a little. I’m going to get up early and head to the field, and you can sleep in.”

I head to my bag and pull out a T-shirt and bring it over to hand it to Whit. “Bathroom’s right over there if you want to change.”

She walks away and once in the bathroom, I allow myself to feel how fucking good this is gonna be when we get through this, and yeah the moments like this in between.

I’m just finishing cleaning up the empty containers and setting them outside the door when she walks out in my tee.

“I used your toothbrush.”

“Yeah? I’m going to use it now.”

Walking to the bed, she looks over her shoulder, catching me checking her out. “Preference for a side?”

“Doesn’t matter to me.”

After taking a piss, washing my hands, and brushing my teeth, I head out and find Whit on the side closest to the door.

“What?” she asks.

“Nothing.” I smile to assure her all is well.

She sits up. “Wrong. You just did the fake smile, the kind that doesn’t show a dimple.”

“The fact that you can decipher the meaning of my smiles is kind of cute.”

“Nope, you’re not turning this around on me. Why the face?”

I run a hand through my hair. “I didn’t have a preference, but now, I do.”
