Page 152 of Reluctantly Royal

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I pull back and narrow my eyes. “What else?”

He sighs. “I just found out that Cian and Astrid will be here. Along with Miles and Henry. And Linnea’s mom and dad. A few other friends who are really more business acquaintances. A couple of advisors. So we will be greeting them on the front steps. There will be photo opportunities for…anyone who wants to show up.”

“Hang on.” I frown and step back. “Cian? Your brother? And Linnea’s sister Astrid? And who are Miles and Henry? Wait, do you mean Henry, Cian’s best friend?”

“And bodyguard.” Torin sighs. “Miles is Astrid’s best friend. He’s been her train?—”

“Oh my God! Miles Stafford? The guy who was with her through her whole rehabilitation?” Anyone who’s read about Astrid and her recovery knows who Miles is. He was the physical therapist who first worked with her in the hospital. They became fast friends and he stayed with her throughout her rehab, later quitting his job to become her personal trainer and assistant.

There are also rumors about them being romantically involved, though they both deny it when asked. They’ve never been caught in any photos or situations doing anything more than sitting close and laughing or occasionally with Miles’s hand on her elbow or lower back when they’re out and he’s helping her up steps or through a crowd.

“Yes,” Torin confirms. “And I’m not sure exactly why they’re here except that my grandfather feels that having family and friends here for a dinner would be a nice way to show that everyone around us is supportive and happy about the marriage.”

“Ohhhh,” I say, catching on. “The whole we didn’t have a wedding but no one’s mad thing?”

Torin moves to lean against his desk. He pulls me between his knees, linking our fingers loosely. “Yes. Essentially. You and I haven’t done public appearances together. We haven’t attended any social engagements at all. I haven’t even attended any alone. He wants to show the people that even if we’re not having huge gatherings, we’re at least seeing family.”

“And Linnea’s sister and parents are family,” I say.

“They are.” He says it matter-of-factly.

“So this is about us. I kind of have to be there, don’t I?”

He leans closer. “I promised you wouldn’t have to do this.”

He told me I wouldn’t have to do big public appearances. “I appreciate that,” I tell him sincerely. “But I didn’t presume that included family events.”

“This is a ‘family event’ concocted by my grandfather,” Torin says with a touch of irritation. “So, of course, it’s not just a casual, intimate meal.”

“What is it?”

“I’m not even sure. He knows you’re not going to be there—at least the last I knew. And he was annoyed by that, but he didn’t call it off.” Torin seems suspicious of that for some reason.

And he clearly told his grandfather I would not be attending.

“You made a point of telling him I wouldn’t be here. And he made a point of telling you the dinner was going to happen anyway,” I say.

He nods.

“This is another battle for the upper hand between the two of you.”

He sighs. “Yes.”

Well, at least he’s willing to admit it.

“Why are you doing that?” I ask, sincerely curious.

“You are my wife. He doesn’t dictate what you do and don’t do. I decide what’s good for you and what’s not, and how and when and if we will do public appearances.”

I lift a brow. “Torin…”

He shrugs, unapologetic. “I promised to keep you from events that would make you uncomfortable.”

I can’t say I’ll be perfectly comfortable at this dinner, and I love that he’s being protective and upholding his promise, but I can do this. “It’s a family dinner.”

“It will be a public event at least in part, Abigail. There are guests. My brother and Astrid being here makes it even more of a spectacle.”

“I know that he’s not giving you control over anything else, yet. And the farms aren’t up and running to the point that you can really show them off and control that program. So, our marriage and how it’s presented and how we function as prince and princess is the only thing you feel that you can control.”

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