Page 102 of Kissing Kin

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Before going to bed that night, I turned on my phone to find twenty-four texts, six phone calls, and five voicemails.

I scrolled through the messages.—

Cody—Are you there? Call me—

Cody—Hey! I miss your smile—

Cody—Text me, will you?—

Cody—I messed up. Can we talk?—

Cody—I can’t sleep. Nightmares keep me awake—

Nightmares? Didn’t he mention nightmares before he broke our engagement? Searching for an explanation, I skimmed the other texts, but none shed light. Then as I read the last text, I drew a sharp breath.

Cody—I never stopped loving you—

How dare he use that word? Love is working together toward shared goals…caring for someone more than yourself. Luke came to mind.

Cody’s clinging emptiness left me cold. When the phone buzzed in my hands, I knew what I had to do. “Yes.”

“Hey, it’s good to hear your voice.”

“Cody, this calling and texting has got to sto—”

“Come on, Maeve. Be reasonable.”

“I am being reasonable.” As my blood pressure rose, so did my voice. “You broke up with me, and there’s no going back.”

“I’ve told you how much I regret that. I swear it’ll never happen again.”

“No, it’s too late. Once and for all, it’s over. We’re over.”

“You don’t mean that. You’re just upset.”

“I do mean it. Don’t call or text anymore.”

“Take as much time as you need. Tell you what. I’ll call you in the morn—”

“Are you listening?” I paused, counting to five. “Call or text me again, and I’ll block your number.” My fingers shaking, I hit disconnect.

The phone rang. Cody displayed on Caller ID.

Two clicks, and it was done. Then breathing deeply, I leaned back against the headboard.

The phone rang once. Caller ID displayed Blocked and disconnected.

After seven repeats, I powered off my phone. Is that it?

Chapter 15

Pounding on the door at 3:00 am woke me.

His hackles up, Teddy began barking.

“Maeve, open up. We gotta talk.”
