Page 101 of Kissing Kin

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“Get what?”

“Cody broke off our engagement. Now, he not only wants me back, but he accuses me of holding a grudge.”

“Are you holding a grudge”—his brow quirked—“or setting boundaries?”

Phrased that way, I smiled. “Sounds like you’ve been there.”

Luke’s laugh was a short snort. “You could say that, but before we get into that topic, I have to know. Are you over Cody?”

I swallowed hard. Am I?


Her phone buzzed again.

She flinched, then pressed the off button until the screen went dark. “Yes, I am.”

Relieved, Luke took a deep breath. “I’ve always sensed a ghost between us.”


“No, your past.” Chuckling, he shook his head. “I just didn’t know his name until recently.”

She glanced at the phone.

“Yeah, I’ve also had experience with an ex, who wouldn’t let go.”


“The barrage of regrets, promises, and accusations is upsetting”—he sighed—“especially in the beginning.”

“What did you do?”

“I asked her to stop. When that failed, I told her to leave me alone in no uncertain terms.”

“Did it work?”

“What do you think?” As he gathered their paper plates, he grimaced, recalling the circumstances. “That tack only made her confrontational.”

“So, then what?”

“I blocked her phone number.”

“But she lives next door.” Maeve glanced across the vineyard.

“When Bea would ‘drop by,’ I’d tell her she wasn’t welcome. Actually, ‘Get out’ were my words.” He covered the container of potato salad, then pointed to the creek dividing the two vineyards. “Just like property boundaries, you’ve got to define your personal space.”

“Put up proverbial fences.”

He nodded. “Define what’s acceptable and what isn’t. If he annoys you, tell him. If that doesn’t work, block his calls. Return his letters unopened.”


“What if he shows up here again?” I chewed my lip. “What should I do?”

“Just whistle.” Luke flashed a smile. “I’d be happy to send him packing.” He met my gaze and held it a beat too long.

Speechless, I stared, unable to break the link. Why couldn’t I see what was right before my eyes? Maybe Marianna and Mateo weren’t responsible for any physical attraction. Maybe the only ghost clouding my vision was Cody.
