Page 139 of Kissing Kin

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Luke burst through the door, with Rosie close behind. “What was that?”


I filled them in as I dried my hair. “First Marianna, then Mateo, their baby, and now Valentina…”

Standing at the ironing board, Rosie pressed the wrinkles from the damp veil. “Think that’s the last of the cabin’s ghosts?”

“Knock on wood.” I said a silent prayer while I rapped the wall.

“Maybe now we can get on with the wedding.” Luke peeked out the window. “At least, the rain’s stopped.”

I handed him two rolls of paper towels. “Dry the chairs, and I’ll be out in ten minutes.”

He grinned at Rosie. “Not even married yet, and already she’s giving me orders.”

“Discipline is good for the soul.” Chuckling, Rosie hung the veil over a chair as she crossed to the utility room. “Let’s see if the dryer got the dress’s wrinkles out.”

The coast clear, I stole a kiss. “The next time we’re alone, Mr. Kaylor, we’ll be husband and wife.”

“See you in ten, Mrs. Kaylor-to-be.” He gave me a quick peck before breezing out the door.

I sighed as I glanced about. So much life has been lived in this room.

“The heat puckered the seams. Just needs a quick pressing…was that a sigh I heard?” The cotton batiste dress in hand, Rosie paused as she returned from the utility room.

I nodded. “I’ve always loved this cabin, but I’ve never sensed such peace here.”

“If only these walls could talk.” Rosie slipped the dress over the ironing board. “Remember when you found the dime?”

The memories flooded back. “You said by finding my roots, I’d completed one circle and started the next.”

“And by releasing the souls bound here, maybe you ended that circle”—she gestured to the wedding dress—“and are beginning another.”


Instead of marching down the aisle, I simply stood beside Luke.

The ceremony went smoothly until the minister said, “Speak now or forever hold your peace.”

My back to the guests, I gritted my teeth, anticipating Bea’s objection. Or Cody’s. The pause interminable, I cringed, waiting…

A loud, mournful howl broke the silence.

I turned as Teddy bayed at the sky. Comic relief to my pent-up tension, I began shaking with suppressed laughter, then chuckling aloud.

The minister swallowed a smile as he repeated the question.

Again, Teddy howled, and the wedding guests giggled.

Sharing a smile with Luke, I gave a shrill whistle. “Teddy, come here, boy.”

The dog joined us, sitting between us in rapt attention.

The minister started a third time.

But ears up and chest out, Teddy held his peace throughout the vows.

Finally, the minister addressed him. “Do you, Teddy, take the bride and groom to be your lawfully wedded parents?”

Wagging his tail, Teddy gave one loud bark.

The pastor beamed from ear to ear. “In that case, the groom may kiss the bride.”

Taking me in his arms, Luke leaned me backwards in a deep kiss.

I closed my eyes, basking in his embrace. Then sensing the sun’s warmth on my eyelids, I peeked.

The sun broke through the clouds, refracting the light, and a double rainbow arced across the heavens in colors ranging from red to violet.

In love with life, I turned to my husband. “Valentina’s gift?”
