Page 22 of Kissing Kin

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“Good morning.” The day clerk smiled from behind the desk.

Relieved to see her instead of the night clerk, he returned the smile. “Morning.”

“Here you are, Miss Mamie, cream and two sugars.” Her syrupy voice preceding her, Bea emerged from the back room, carrying two mugs. As she handed one to the clerk, she stopped short. “Luke, what a pleasant surprise…again. Can I interest you in a cup of coffee?” She took a sip before offering him the mug, leaving a lipstick kiss on the rim. “Just the way you like it…hot and sweet.”

Her voice like satin, she all but purred. Recognizing the tone, he suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. “No, thanks.”

“What brings you…back?”

Though her lips curled in a smile, the pupils of her eyes narrowed like a cat’s ready to pounce.

The door opened across the hall, and Maeve emerged in cropped hiking boots and tight black jeans that hugged her bottom.

“Morning.” Her face brightening as she met his gaze, she slipped her arms through her vest.

“You must be Luke’s…cousin.” Sprinting around the desk, Bea held out her hand. “I’m Beatrice Perkins but call me Bea. Everyone does.”

Maeve’s gaze again brushed his before she shook hands. “Maeve Jackson.”

“Any friend of Luke’s is a friend of mine.” Wearing a wide smile, Bea sidled next to him, linking arms. “We’re all one big happy family here.”

His spine stiffening, he stepped toward the door as discreetly as possible.

Bea snatched at his hand, her long nails tearing the keys from his grip while she grazed his palm.

As the keys clattered to the floor, he stooped to retrieve them, pulling away.

“A little edgy this morning, are we?” Her eyes narrow slits, Bea smiled sweetly. “Maybe you didn’t sleep well last night.” Not missing a beat, she turned to the newcomer with a lipstick smile. “How long will you be staying?”

“Sorry to interrupt, ladies, but we’re running late.” He opened the door. “All set?”

“Yup.” Zipping her vest, Maeve nodded. “Just as—”

“Not leaving so soon, I hope!” Her smile painted on, Bea stepped between them, blocking the exit.

“Excuse me.” Maeve arched her brow as she shifted sideways, squeezing past the woman.


Bea sulked at the window.

“What’s that about?” I took a deep breath, the brisk mountain air constricting my lungs. When I exhaled, my breath steamed.

“Don’t mind her.” He shook his head. “Some people are territorial even on neutral turf.” He grimaced as he opened the truck’s door and offered me a hand.

“Thanks.” Appreciating the boost, I pushed off from his palm, propelling myself onto the front seat. The tingle of his touch shot up my arm and catapulted down my spine like a hot flash.

He hopped in the driver’s side. “Thought we could check on your car, then grab a bite to eat.”

“Sounds good. I could use a cup of coffee.” Or a cold shower. Despite the frigid temperatures, I unzipped my vest as I studied his profile. His five-o’clock shadow was already shading his strong jawline, reminding me how I’d studied his profile last night in the moonlight.

After showering for bed, I’d slipped my knife under my pillow, then crawled between the sheets. Uncomfortable about sharing my room with a stranger, I lay awake, alert for footsteps or the slightest creak of his bed, but only his steady breathing broke the silence. Against the moonlight streaming through the window, I watched the shallow rise and fall of his chest and fought the temptation to brush his curly tendrils of hair from his forehead.

What’s his relationship with Bea? Just as I was about to ask, he pulled into the auto shop.

He rolled down the windows and called to Smitty. “What’s the good word?”

“Not good.” The mechanic wiped his hands on an oily rag as he came around to the passenger side. “You definitely sheared off the exhaust system and damaged the oil pan, alternator, cooling system, brake lines, fuel lines, and drive shafts. But what I’m worried about is the transmission and steering.”

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