Page 55 of Kissing Kin

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During the short drive, the puppy found the rubber ball in the cupholder and happily teethed it while I cuddled him.

In town, the veterinarian scanned Teddy but found no microchip. “Sorry.”

“No collar, no tags, no chip.” I grimaced. “The only thing left is to put up signs. Okay to leave one here?” I carried the puppy inside my jacket as I distributed the other signs until I met Luke at the grocery store. “I’d better pick up a dog bed and a bag of puppy chow.”

Back at Luke’s, the puppy entertained himself by bringing us the ball, then stretching out his front paws and whining until we threw it again.

“Doesn’t he ever get tired of playing fetch?” Luke grinned as he tossed the ball.

“I don’t know, but he’s wearing me out.” I hid a yawn. “I’m going to hit the hay.” I whistled. “Want to try out your new bed, Teddy?”


Inside the cabin, the puppy continued his game until I tucked the ball on the cedar chest, out of his reach. “Sorry, kiddo, but I’m going to shower, and then we’re both going to sleep.”

I relaxed in the steamy shower until the THUMP…Thump…thump of the ball bouncing into the room sent chills down my spine. Déjà vu.

Then Teddy bounded in after it.

Chuckling with relief, I stepped from the shower. “How did you reach the chest, you naughty pup?”

He nosed the ball toward me, then bowed and whimpered, asking me to throw it.

“This is the last time.” I tossed the ball and, after brushing my teeth, entered the main room.

Teddy crouched before the rocker, as if begging it to throw his ball.

“You silly pup.” I set his toy on the hope chest and placed him in his dog bed. “Now, go to sleep.” Yawning, I climbed into bed and turned out the light.


Just as I slipped off to sleep, a rhythmic squeaking woke me.


What’s making that sound? I turned on the light, squinting against its glare.

The chair rocked back and forth as if someone sat in it.

Again, the dog bowed, whimpered, and rolled his ball toward the chair.

Goosebumps rose on my arms, but I shrugged it off as an overactive imagination. Teddy must’ve bumped the rocker. Then I compared the pint-sized pup to the tall chest. “But how did you reach the ball?”

Cocking his ears as if listening, he brought me the ball.

I put it in the nightstand’s upper drawer. “Let’s see you get that ball now.” Then I put him to bed, turned off the light, and lay awake, staring at the ceiling.


I flipped on the light and screamed.

Again, the chair teetered back and forth as if someone sat in it, rocking.

The puppy was asleep, nowhere near the rocker.

Hopping from bed, I pushed the chair in the corner, confining it between the two walls. “Move now. I dare you!”
