Page 60 of Kissing Kin

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The hotel incidents came to mind. “Only recently.”

“What’s different in your life?”

“What isn’t?” I counted off on my fingers. “Got my Army discharge, totaled my car, met you, began working in the vineyard, staying in your cabin…the list of firsts goes on.”

“Okay, but what prompted this unusual activity?” His gaze leveled with mine. “Think back.”

“Well…” I chewed my lip. “It began after we found the dime and went to your aunt’s for the barbecue—”

“Where she gave you the brooch. We’ve already established that the cameo was the trigger.” His eyes wide, he arched his brow. “But instead of objects absorbing emotions, what if restless spirits attach themselves to objects?”

Recalling the image in the mirror and my dreams, I cocked my head. “Why would they?”

“To tie up loose ends, right some wrong…who knows?” He shrugged. “But without physical bodies, spirits can’t directly communicate, so maybe they leave messages or signs.”

“Like dimes and rocking chairs?”

Chapter 9

Friday, Luke finished framing the patio bar.

Luke—Done yet?—

Maeve—Almost. Why?—

Luke—Come see ;)—

He laid planks across the bar top, then carted out barstools, a bottle of wine, two of his finest crystal glasses, and a bowl of water for the pup.

With Teddy dogging her heels, she approached a few minutes later.

“Notice anything?”

Taking in the nearly completed bar, she gave a low whistle. “All you need is the granite top, and you’re in business.”

“Still have to finish a few things before we can open the tasting room, but the bulk of it is done.” He set down Teddy’s water bowl, then grinning, gestured to the barstool beside him. “How ’bout a glass of wine?”

“You read my mind.” She climbed on with a sigh.

“Tired?” He poured her a glass.

“Just getting my second wind.” She lifted the etched crystal glass and twirled it in the fading sunlight. “What’s the occasion?”

“I thought we might celebrate.”

“Celebrate what?” Tilting her head, she turned toward him. The sun accented her hair’s red highlights and cheeks’ rosy glow.

“Besides the almost-finished patio tasting room”—he raised his glass—“celebrate our one-week partnership.”

Her green eyes flashing, she laughed as she clinked glasses. “To the weird circumstances that brought us together.”

“May they continue.” Giving himself a quick pep talk to bolster his courage, he caught her gaze. “I know a place with live country music. Want to kick up your heels tonight?”

She swirled the wine before answering. “I don’t know how to two-step.”

“I’d be happy to teach you.”

“I wouldn’t know what to wear.” She shrugged.
