Page 62 of Kissing Kin

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“That’s our song.” Laughing, I yanked with all my might and pulled him to his feet. “Come on!”

“Ma’am, you don’t know your own strength.” Chuckling, he put his arm around my back.

I placed my arm on his shoulder, then acting on impulse, lifted my chin and stood on tiptoe to give him a challenging kiss.

He tightened his grip, squeezing me tight while he pressed my body against his muscular frame and drew me into a deeper kiss.

The downy hairs on my neck stood on end, tingling, as goosebumps broke out along my arms and thighs. A bolt of energy shot down my spine, and a swarm of butterflies fluttered in my stomach. What was that? My lips responding, I reached my arms around his neck and returned his kiss.

Then like an air strike, Cody kamikazed through my mind. Shrinking back, I loosened my grasp and pushed away. “Think I’d better sit this one out, after all.”

“Might be wise.” He nodded.

My mouth burned from his whiskers’ rasp, and I still tasted him on my lips, but I had to set the record straight—now. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have started something I had no intention of finishing.”

“We both got caught up in the moment.” He ran his hand over his chin, his five-o’clock shadow grating like sandpaper, even over the band’s blare.

“Maybe this”—shrugging, I gestured toward the band and dancefloor—“wasn’t the best idea.” Really? I snickered at myself. “I mean—”

“I know what you mean—” He nodded. “Probably not the brightest move to ask you here in the first place.”

“Tonight was fun—the dancing, I mean.” Recalling the kiss, I squirmed. “Okay, it was all fun.” Then I gave an uneasy giggle, crossing and waving my forearms, as if canceling my words. “Sorry, seriously, if we’re going to maintain a business relationship, we’ve got to keep this relationship professional.”

“Relationship?” His brows shot up.

“Partnership.” I swallowed hard, helplessly out of my element. “You know what I mean.”

“Do I?”


With his kiss still tingling on my lips, the strained silence during the ride home was deafening. I hugged the door as the specter of Cody wedged between us. The less I say or do, the shallower the hole I’ll have to dig out of…

Luke turned on the radio, flipping through stations until he found country western music. A wistful song came on the air about a soldier being lonely and homesick.

Cody…Does he miss me…ever think of me? What am I doing here? Still no direction, a temporary job but no career plans and no place to call home. I’m just drifting. What would Grandma say? I sighed.

“Did you say something?”

“That song just reminds me. I don’t have a home.”

“Yes, you do”—he glanced from the road—“at least, through pruning season.”

My snuffle passed for a laugh.

“Hasn’t this past week worked out all right?”

“Until tonight.” I pursed my lips.

“Hey, we make a good team.” He side-glanced as he turned in the driveway. “You’re a natural at pruning, and with you trimming the vines, I have time to build the patio bar. Our partnership’s working, don’t you think?”

“I had.” Shrugging, I gestured to the cabin. “But don’t forget. This arrangement’s temporary.”

“You’re welcome to stay as long as you like.” He parked and turned off the engine.

“Thanks.” I gave him a wary smile, grateful for his hospitality, yet uncertain of my future.

“Come on.” He opened his door. “I’ll walk you home.”

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