Page 83 of Kissing Kin

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“You’re really going to sleep there tonight?” I unlocked the door as goosebumps broke out on my arms. The image of a woman rocking a baby in that chair still haunted me.

“I’ll try, but I’ve got my sleeping bag just in case.” He set the chair near the fireplace.

As if hypnotized, the dog sat in front of the rocker, cocking his head with his right ear raised. Then he tilted his head the other way, raising his left ear.

“I hate to say this—”

“Then don’t.” He set down his duffle bag.

“Teddy seems to be listening to someone.” A shudder slid down my spine. “It’s creepy.”

“He hasn’t seen the chair lately. He’s probably refamiliarizing himself.” Luke’s face warmed in a slow grin as he reached into his bag. “Hey, I brought a bottle of tempranillo. Want a glass?”

“Great idea.” I eyed the chair. “Might help me relax. I’ll get the glasses and a bottle opener.”

“I also brought a deck of cards. Do you play canasta?”

Several hands later, the lights flickered.

I flinched. “Power outage?”

“I hope not.” He ran a hand across his brow.

My cell phone rang and buzzed simultaneously. Caller ID read Unknown, and I pressed the decline button. Immediately, the phone rang again. “Same caller.” I silenced the ringer, but the vibration continued.

After the third consecutive call, Luke glanced from his cards. “Maybe it’s important…”

“Probably a telemarketer.” But I answered on the fourth call. “Hello.”

Dead air.


Silence. Then from across the room came a faint squeak…squeak…squeak, followed by Teddy’s whine.

Though the air vents were closed, and the dog was nowhere near it, the chair teetered back and forth, squeaking as it rocked.

“Do you see that?” My gaze riveted on the chair, I tucked my phone in its holster.


“Good, I’m not crazy.” I gave a nervous laugh.

The air shimmered like a 3D projection as a hologram appeared in a burst of light.

Dressed in a soldier’s uniform, the translucent figure wore a blue campaign shirt, bandanna, double-loop ammo belt, and rusty-brown trousers with suspenders.

I recognized the uniform from the library’s photos of Rough-Riders. Then I remembered the blur from my first visit. I didn’t imagine it!

The figure was so transparent, the hearth showed behind it. It stared as if transfixed, its penetrating eyes seeming to bore through my flesh and into my genes.

In a blinding flash and deafening explosion, it disappeared in the fireplace.

Instinctively, I grabbed the puppy, closed my eyes, and took cover, shielding the pup with my body. My ears still ringing from the blast, I peeked.

The wooden mantle’s veneer dangled from the masonry.

I drew a ragged breath as I turned to Luke. “Did you see that?”
