Page 88 of Kissing Kin

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Kneeling, Marianna turned red eyes toward me and raised her hands, imploring.

A crash of lightning and a peal of thunder, followed by the puppy’s frantic barking woke me.

“Teddy! Calm down. That’s just thunder. Come here.” As I called, I patted my thigh, which usually brought him running.

Instead, he paced the cabin like a caged coyote.

“Teddy, come here, boy.”

He cowered at the other side of the room, his hackles raised, and his tail tucked between his legs.

“It’s all right.” I stood and approached him, speaking in a soft, soothing voice. “It’s just thunder and lightning.” Picking him up, I carried him to the window and peered through the downpour. “See, the storm can’t hurt you.”

As the rain washed away the tree’s snowy petals, pale yellow fruit emerged.

Are those loquats? Staring at the tree, I recalled my dream. Or was it a visitation?

Then a convertible sluiced through the driveway’s puddles, splattering mud in its wake.

Bea jumped out, ran through the rain with a soggy paper in hand, and rapped on Luke’s door. When no one answered, she strode to the cabin and hammered on my door.

What does she want? I cracked it open as Teddy jumped down. “Yes?”

“You have my dog.” Bea handed me the waterlogged poster as she pushed past.

The puppy cowered in the far corner.

“Teddy’s your dog?” I blinked. “Why didn’t you claim him when I posted the signs? Why’d you wait a month?”

“Just saw the poster today.” Bea’s eyes narrowed. “Give me my dog.” She gave a shrill whistle.

Teddy started trembling.

Something’s not right…“What’s his name?”

“Spot.” Bea all but sneered. “Here, Spot.”

Tail between his legs, the dog crept behind the bed.

“Either Teddy doesn’t recognize you, or he’s afraid of you.”

“First, you horned in on Luke.” Legs planted wide, Bea plunked her fists on her hips. “Now, you’re stealing my dog.”

“Nobody’s horning in or stealing anything.” I silently counted to five. “I just want to be sure Teddy belongs to you.”

Bea pulled out her cell phone and punched 911. Her index finger poised to connect, she scowled. “Give me my dog…or do I have to bring the sheriff in on this?”


“Bea took Teddy.”

“What?” Pinching the bridge of his nose, Luke groaned as he shut the door.

I relayed the conversation.

“If Teddy was her dog—which I doubt—why’d she wait a month to claim him?” Shaking his head, he spoke under his breath. “Bea for bitch. Well, she just made up my mind.”

“About what?”

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