Page 11 of Marry Me Forever

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“Sure. Although I always hold veto power.”

She smiled. “Now I want to test you.”

“Then do it.”

“Okay, then. You’re super rich, aren’t you?”

I blinked. “Um…”

“Oh, I’m not a gold digger or anything. I promise not to fall in love with you. But if you are rich, then you really can do anything you want to, huh? I know having money comes with issues too, but it also opens doors.”

Even though her words weren’t anything I hadn’t heard before, they hit a nerve. My wealth was a bone of contention with my family.

Push it aside. Katie has nothing to do with your relationship with your family.

Since I didn’t want Katie to be intimidated by the fact I was actually a billionaire—I’d invested wisely over the years—I merely answered, “I probably could do anything I wanted to and never work again. But the thought of never working or having some kind of purpose seems empty to me.”

She muttered, “I wish I could figure out my purpose.” I opened my mouth to ask more, but she beat me to it. “So given the drama with your ex, have you considered bowing out from your acting gig? Maybe she’ll give up then if you’re not as famous.”

I shook my head. “I’m not ready to quit acting just yet. And even if I were, I wouldn’t do it to run away from Wendy.”

“Right, that cow. Which is why I’m here in the first place.” She tapped her hand against her thigh. “You said you’d tell me more about today’s meeting and ‘lessons’ in person. So, start talking.”

Grateful for the distraction, I replied, “Well, Thanksgiving is in a few days. And if we’re to fool my family, we need to practice being a couple.”

“Is this where you say we’re going to have kissing lessons?”

I blinked. “What?”

“You know, where we kiss to try to get the kinks out. Everyone’s different. Maybe you like to slobber all over a woman, and I should prepare myself.”

I growled. “I don’t fucking slobber.”

She laughed. “Or maybe you’re the type to clash teeth repeatedly, until you accidentally knock one out.”


“Or, wait, I know! You bite too hard, draw blood, and secretly turn out to be a vampire.”

“I’m not a vampire. I was just in the sun.”

“Well, some vampires can be in the sun. I didn’t check, but do you sparkle?”

“I don’t fucking sparkle.”

She laughed again, the sound reverberating in the car, and I couldn’t help but smile. That sound could brighten anyone’s day.

Katie clapped her hands. “Too bad, because that would’ve made you even more famous. And the next thing you know, guys would stop copying your haircut and would start applying glitter makeup to be just like Nolan Drake.”

I nearly ran a hand through my hair. “I don’t ask people to copy me.”

“No, but it happens. It’s kind of a compliment, in a way. And it’s better than them sending you clipped toenails in the mail, right?”

“What in the hell are you talking about now?”

“Well, I’m sure you’ve had superfans figure out how to get packages to you.”

I glanced at her. “I think you’ve watched too much TV.”
