Page 114 of Marry Me Forever

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And judging by how many drinks Abby was downing, I’d have to check on her soon and make sure she was okay.

But as Nolan guided me around and introduced me to some people, I forgot about Abby and Rafe. Unlike his ex, they were nice to me. They smiled, made small talk, and the baseball player even offered free tickets to Nolan and me for his next game in L.A.

It was nearly dinnertime when Jenn and Tina found us. At Jenn’s forced smile, my stomach dropped.

Nolan asked, “What’s wrong?”

Jenn kept her voice low. “Matt Bellis is here and demanding to see you ASAP.”

From Nolan, I knew he was on the verge of signing a deal with the man.

Nolan frowned. “Here? Why? Our meeting is the day after tomorrow, and there’s nothing that can’t wait for a couple of days.”

Jenn shook her head. “He texted me up a storm, then had his assistant do it too, and finally he hunted me down.”

Tina scowled. “I offered to kick his ass out of the event, but Jenn told me no.”

Jenn smiled at her wife. “It’s nothing I can’t handle, love.”

Tina shrugged, and Jenn turned back toward Nolan. “I think he might cancel the whole deal if you don’t meet him now, Nolan. But it’s your call. What do you want to do?”

He looked at me, and I said, “Go. I know how important this deal is for your production company.”

“Are you sure, baby? I don’t want to leave you alone with so many strangers.”

I gestured toward Jenn and Tina. “I won’t be alone. Besides, Abby is here too, remember?”

As he searched my gaze, I could see how torn he was. I patted his chest. “Go. If I can’t survive a short while by myself at this event, then we have bigger problems. I’ll be fine.”

He kissed my cheek. “If you’re sure?”

“I am.”

Nolan said to Jenn, “Watch out for her. Both of you. Okay?”

Tina rolled her eyes. “We’ll be fine. If nothing else, few people want to upset me. Not if they ever want to hire me as their lawyer. And I’m the best, so they want to.”

Nolan smiled. “True.” He cupped my cheek. “I’ll be back as soon as possible, okay?”

“Okay. Now, go.”

After one more long look, Nolan asked Jenn for Matt’s location and left.

Jenn threaded her arm through mine and then her other one through Tina’s. “Now, ladies, there’s a bar with our name on it. Dinner will start soon, and I don’t know about you, but I haven’t had a drop tonight and could use some relaxation juice.”

I snorted. “Relaxation juice?”

Tina shook her head. “Don’t even try to argue how stupid it sounds. It only makes her dig in deeper.”

Jenn stuck out her tongue. “Says the woman who calls Parmesan spaghetti cheese.”

“Hey, that’s what my mom said growing up. And you get the point.”

As the two women bickered, I smiled and relaxed. And after a few sips of wine, I relaxed a little more.

Before long, it was time to round up a slightly tipsy Abby and head inside the room being used for dinner.

Rafe already sat at the table, nursing what looked like a whiskey. He barely grunted a hello before downing his drink and crossing his arms.
