Page 117 of Marry Me Forever

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Me: Did you know what Wendy had planned? Are you really working with her?

Me (typed but deleted): Nolan, please. I need you right now.

Me (actual text instead): Call me as soon as you get this message.

I stared out the window, not really seeing anything as I kept reliving my encounter with Wendy. Rationally now, I knew slapping her probably hadn’t been the best choice. But I still couldn’t seem to regret it, even if it would make my life hell from now on.

Still, where was Nolan? Given how extreme Wendy had been with me, would she be the same with Nolan? Was he in danger? Hurt?

Or had he really ditched me at the charity event to hang out with that Matt Bellis guy? That seemed more reasonable. But even two hours ago, I would’ve expected a message from Nolan, at the very least. But now? If he’d read about my showdown with Wendy, maybe he was in damage control mode and avoiding me.

Maybe I imagined him having feelings for me.

Maybe I would never see him again, unless I ran into him by accident in Starry Hills.

Stop it. I needed to avoid thinking about maybes and what-ifs.

Which was easier said than done.

Eventually, Rafe pulled up to a hotel, and Abby bumped her shoulder against mine. “You’re staying the night with me.”

After glancing at my phone one last time—still nothing from Nolan—I shrugged. “Okay.”

Jenn was also in the back seat with me and Abby. “And I’m going to locate Nolan’s ass and see what the hell is going on.”

It was either shrug or cry, so I shrugged again.

Maybe once the shock of the evening wore off, I’d worry more. Nolan didn’t seem the type to just disappear without a word to his assistant. After all, Jenn and Tina handled damage control for him. Surely he’d reach out to them, if not me.

And yet, how well did I really know him? It could’ve all been fake. A mere fantasy I’d built up, one that had finally fallen to pieces, with reality now closing in and nearly drowning me.

One where Nolan didn’t smile at me, or kiss me, or even text me constantly because he said he missed me.

And one where I most definitely would never have him above me, crying out as we both came, and cuddling in bed afterward.

I would go back to being Katie Evans, the dairy farm tour guide, with the man I loved probably out of reach forever. Because even if he was angry about Wendy’s performance, mine hadn’t been any better.

Being with me would be toxic for his career. I was sure of it.

Tears pricked my eyes, and I willed them away. I might start crying, but not before I was alone with Abby.

Rafe glanced at us in the rearview mirror. “As soon as I drop off Tina and Jenn, I’ll be back. I’ll text you, Abby.”

My friend nodded. “I’m not sure what the plan is for tomorrow, but I’ll let you know.”

Thinking about tomorrow was too difficult. And not just because maybe Nolan would tell me things were over now. Even without that, the fallout from tonight would be monumental.

I’d probably have to disappear from social media completely, just to keep my sanity.

Tomorrow. I can think about all of that tomorrow. After releasing my seatbelt, I opened the door and got out. I made the mistake of looking back inside the car, and all the pitying glances only made my eyes heat with tears all over again.

“Abby. Can we hurry inside? Please?”

My voice cracked, and Abby kicked into overdrive. She was out of the car, herding me through the lobby, toward the elevator. With each step, my chest tightened, and my throat grew thick.

The elevator doors opened just as we arrived, and I ran inside, losing one of my shoes in the process.

Abby bent to pick it up, but I tugged her inside and hit the Close button. “Leave it.”
