Page 116 of Marry Me Forever

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Before I could stop myself, I slapped her. Hard enough that she stumbled backward.

Commotion stirred behind me, but I ignored it and stalked toward Wendy. She instantly backed away from me, her expression uncertain.

I knocked the microphone from her hand, leaned in, and growled, “You’re lying, and I know it. You’re just making a fool of yourself.”

Wendy stood tall again and looked down her nose at me, her composure regained. “Oh, am I? And where is Nolan, pray tell? Not here. No, he’s waiting for me at my place in Beverly Hills, no doubt naked and impatient to celebrate our engagement.”

Where was Nolan?

For a split second, my insecurities rushed forth, and I wondered if he really had been playing me all along.

But then I remembered his thoughtful gifts, his heated looks, and how he always made me feel special, treasured, and desired.

No. My gut said something bad had happened to him. I didn’t know what, but he sure as hell wasn’t waiting to hook up with Wendy.

My fingers curled into a fist, and I barely restrained myself from full-on punching her lying face. “You’re going to regret this day, Wendy. Just wait and see.”

Tired of her vitriol, I turned and stalked back down through the tables and out the door. I didn’t stop until I reached the cloakroom, got my coat and purse, and found a corner to lean against the wall, close my eyes, and catch my breath.

What the fuck had just happened?

And where the hell was Nolan?

Jenn’s voice reached my ears. “Katie, are you okay? Don’t believe a word that bitch says.”

I opened my eyes to find Jenn, Tina, and Abby standing in front of me.

Abby spoke next. “Kudos to you for slapping that cow. Seriously, I wonder if she’s ever been told no in her life.”

I tried to smile, but failed. Instead, I let out a long sigh. “It doesn’t matter. The world is going to laugh at and judge me for the rest of my life now.”

Abby frowned. “Why?”

I bit my lip for a second. Tina and Jenn knew the truth, but not Abby.

Guilt swirled in my stomach as I said, “Nolan asked me to be his fake fiancée back in October.”

She blinked. “What?”

“It’s true.”

Abby stared a second, then shook her head. “I call bullshit. That man adores you, or I’ll eat my best pair of shoes.”

“Well, it started out as fake. But I thought maybe…” I swallowed and added, “But he’s not here now, is he?”

Abby’s phone buzzed. She glanced down and then looped her arm through mine. “The valet brought round the car, and Rafe’s waiting for us. He’s the only one who’s under the legal limit right now, so we’re going to have to suffer his terrible driving.”

I barely paid attention to anything as Jenn, Tina, and Abby guided me out of the hotel and into Rafe’s car.

Once inside, I checked my phone. But there was nothing from Nolan. So I texted him:

Me: Nolan, what happened to you?

Me: Can you just let me know you’re alive?

Me: You’re starting to worry me.

Me: Okay, now I’m getting mad.

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