Page 126 of Marry Me Forever

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“Of course you’d say that. I’ve never met a more optimistic person in my life.”

“I think you underestimate the people of Starry Hills. The Mean Girls are their own unit and are pretty much considered outsiders now. Everyone else knows you, Katie. And they’re on your side. I should know, as I’ve heard it a lot in the bakery lately.”

“Great,” I grumbled. “People are gossiping about me.”

Amber rolled her eyes. “It’s a small town and people gossip about everyone. Even me.”

“You? What do they say about you?”

“Oh, just that I’m the quiet one who seems to always keep herself together. Not that I do, but that’s the public face I show at the bakery.”

I searched her gaze. “Is something wrong, Amber?”

She shook her head. “Nothing I can’t handle. Besides, tonight is all about you.”

“Are you sure?”

“It’s fine, I promise. Now, are you ready to have some fun? I even agreed to dance tonight.”

Amber scrunched her nose at the thought of dancing, and I laughed. “You agreeing to do that is a pretty big deal. What was it the bartender said that one time? Oh, that you looked as if you were trying to do the Robot and failing miserably.”

She stuck out her tongue. “I never said I was good at it.”

Emmy—who’d been in a deep conversation with Abby—caught that last part. “Dancing is about having fun, nothing else.”

Amber snorted. “Says the woman who actually has rhythm.”

“Hey, I just listen and move to the music. Try not to overthink it and just go with the beat.”

Amber shook her head. “Going with the flow is not my strong point. I like plans and rules and instructions.”

I said, “Hmm, maybe we should try blindfolding you. That way, you’ll have to really listen to the music and feel the beat.”

“Maybe in private, but not in a bar. Promise me you all won’t do that tonight!”

Abby and Emmy laughed and promised. But my mind caught on the blindfold part, and I instantly thought of Nolan and the promise he’d never see through.

Stop it. If I kept thinking about Nolan, about how most things came back to him, then I’d never be able to move on.

Not that I wanted to. But there was no future for us. I accepted that now.

The car stopped, and Kyle turned in his seat. “I’ll be up until one. After that, you’re on your own.”

I stuck my tongue out at him. “So much for being there whenever I need you.”

“Hey, a guy’s got to sleep sometime.”

He winked, and I smiled. Leave it to my brother to treat me as if the whole blow-up with Wendy had never happened.

Abby opened the door and got out. “Come on. I’m more than ready for a drink.”

We all climbed out and headed inside the bar. People waved or nodded in greeting as we entered. None of their expressions held pity or disgust or amusement. No, they were just being friendly, like they’d been my whole life.

Amber whispered, “See? I told you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Fine. Maybe Starry Hills is safe. As long as I never leave, life will be good.”

Abby shook her head. “I can’t see you staying here forever. But enough about the future—tonight is all about drinking, dancing, and having some fun.”

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