Page 31 of Marry Me Forever

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“Is that allowed? Drinking from the competition? I mean, your family owns a winery.”

He lowered his voice. “What they don’t know won’t hurt them.”

Nolan winked, and I laughed. “Imagine the fall-out if they discovered this particular secret too.”

He lightly bumped his hip against me. “Planning to blackmail me over it?”

I tapped my chin. “Hmm, maybe. Imagine the headline: Movie Star Snubs Family Winery.”

After pulling me to the side, away from the stall, he leaned down and nuzzled my cheek, promptly making me forget about anything but the scruff of Nolan’s jaw and his woodsy scent and his heat.

He murmured, “Maybe you need a bribe to keep it a secret, then.”

I was about to say I was only teasing when Nolan cupped my cheek and moved his head until his lips were a few inches from mine.

His breath caressed my mouth as I asked, “What kind of bribe?”

As he continued to stare into my eyes, his mouth so close to mine, my heart raced and wetness rushed between my thighs. If he used kisses as bribes, I’d take as many as he’d give me.

He said, “As a kid, you always loved marzipan from this market. If you still do, I’ll brave them in exchange for the mulled wine.”

I did my best to hide my disappointment—kisses would’ve been better. He already gave you quite a show earlier. Don’t get greedy, Katie.

Clearing my throat, I replied, “I still like marzipan. But I’ll admit stollen has become a bigger favorite in the last few years, ever since a new family moved here with the best recipe.”

“Stollen and Glühwein it is, then. Maybe we should have the cake-bread-thing first, to soak up the alcohol.”

“Why, is the big-time movie star a lightweight?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“That sounds like a challenge, Mr. Wolfe.”

“Maybe it is, Miss Evans.”

After staring at each other for a few beats, we both laughed. I spoke again first. “Let’s have the wine now and we can save the stollen for later. But I wouldn’t be against trying some marzipan tonight.”

“You drive a hard bargain, but I think I can swing that. Come on.”

Nolan ordered the German mulled wine. I sniffed and was bombarded by a multitude of spices. I sipped slowly and then drank some more. “It’s better than I thought it’d be.”

After savoring a sip, Nolan asked, “What were you expecting?”

“I don’t know. Mulled wine hasn’t been my favorite in the past, but this seems okay.”

“Okay?” He placed a hand over his heart and looked wounded. “You’re killing me here.”

I giggled. “Oh, now you’re just being silly.”

A little boy of nine or ten stopped next to Nolan and stared up at him. The boy asked, “Are you Nolan Drake from that superhero movie? The one where you fly and can smash boulders with your fists?”

Nolan leaned down and braced a hand on his thigh. “I am. Did you like it?”

“Oh, it was great. I liked all the fighting and the big group of friends. Although…”

“Although what?”

“Your powers kind of sucked.”
