Page 70 of Marry Me Forever

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She raised her brows. “Should I be worried that you’re encouraging me?”

“Well, if you ever want me to chase you down the beach, barefoot is the better way to go.”

She finally smiled—a real one—and it eased my worry a little. “I didn’t know our walk included chasing.”

Leaning down to her ear, I whispered, “Don’t you want to have a little fun before dinner arrives?”

“Wait, arrives? Don’t tell me—you have a chef.”

“Of course. I thought I told you that already. Or at least, Jenn should have.”

“We got distracted. But I like your assistant. She’s nice.”

Sensing Katie wasn’t in the mood to play on the beach, I walked and she kept her shoes on and followed. “Jenn is a godsend. She’s more than my assistant—she’s my friend, too. Hiring her was one of the best decisions I ever made.”

“When was that?”

“Five or six years ago now. She’s the second cousin of one of Aunt Lori’s friends back home, and I agreed to interview her. Jenn grew up in L.A., knows the area well, and even worked on some movie and TV sets in the past. How someone didn’t swoop her up before me, I’ll never know.”

“Maybe it was destined to be. After all, she met her wife because of you.”

“Yes. Although in the beginning, I wasn’t sure if they hated each other or were crazy about each other. They bickered. A lot.”

Katie chuckled. “Sometimes there’s a fine line between love and hate.”

“True. And it’s a good thing you like Jenn. She’s going to take you shopping over the next few days. Because while I wish I could stay with you, I have to leave town for a nonnegotiable business trip.”

It was something I couldn’t get out of—related to my production company—even if I wanted nothing more than to stick around and spend as much time as possible with Katie.

She frowned. “Did you tell me this before?”

I shook my head. “No, it came up today. And I’ll only be gone for a day and a half. Besides, we learned today that if I go shopping with you, I’ll want to see everything and things could get heated very, very quickly.”

“That’s not a bad thing.”

I groaned. “Katie.”

She laughed. “Hey, you’re the one that has some kind of magical tongue. A girl could get used to that.”

“I’m just glad you didn’t mind me going down on you. Some women…don’t like it.”

“What? Since when?”

I shrugged one shoulder. “Everyone has their own tastes, and I don’t shame them for it. But spreading you wide, tasting your sweet honey, and feeling you fall apart on my tongue turns me on.”

She stopped and turned toward me. “Well, I won’t complain. Feel free to do it whenever you want.”


Katie bit her bottom lip, and my heart thudded. Was it just banter? Or did she feel the same intense attraction I did?

Facing forward, she started walking again. “I won’t say no.”

That wasn’t the answer I’d hoped for.

We were nearly at the waterline when Katie released my hand and ran to the very edge, where the waves wouldn’t reach her. Squatting down, she picked up a few seashells and stood. “I’ve always wanted to collect shells from around the world and display them on a shelf. It’s one of the things I plan to do when I can finally travel.”

Oh. She was thinking of when she’d leave me and be free again.
