Page 81 of His Keepsake

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Axl tilted his head until he was close enough and whispered, “Bad move.”

He’d shucked his long coat when he sat and now draped it over the armrest between us. He stretched, and when he lowered his arms, I felt him push behind my back and I had to accommodate his presence by arching and wriggling, unless I protested aloud.

Angrily, I glowered as he began to inch his hand into the back of my elastic-waisted skirt then the black tights in the layer beneath that.

If I said anything, he would have to stop. I wasn’t even sure why I was this annoyed at them. I guess it was in my nature to disagree when people fucked up, and something about this had lost me. It wasn’t what I wanted from CNC.

Then his fingers cruised down the cleft of my ass and reached somewhere that should never be penetrated on a plane in flight with others around you. Something must have alerted Grayson as to the state I was in, for he grabbed my left hand and pinned it to the other armrest.

His screen held an alarming message.

Be silent or we will flash you naked and being fucked onto the screens of some of the adults on this flight. You are violating our deal. Bad Emme.

Could they do that? Probably.

I made an O and it wasn’t just because Axl was slowly inserting that finger into my back entrance. As usual with anal, it both gave me twinges of pain, due to no lube, and it woke me sexually. Alarms were going off. My inner world where I was being anally violated was clashing harshly with what I could see and hear: the plane and the people oblivious of my plight.

Make yourself come, Emme. Or we will fuck you with something no woman ever wants inside them. Say yes, out loud.

I couldn’t imagine what that might be, which made it worse.

I couldn’t even look at Grayson because that might give away my dual horror and intrigue and rising arousal. Axl chose then to pull part of his coat up to be a pillow on my shoulder, and to lean his head against me again.

“Yes,” I said quietly. Too quietly—I wasn’t sure he’d heard.

A stewardess drifted by. She paused and sent me an inquiring and slightly troubled glance. I sent back a deadpan one.

“Would you like anything off the menu?” That was addressed to all of us. “Your tickets include a beverage and something from the snacks menu.”

“No.” I shook my head and tried not to think of anything sexual or of Axl’s finger inside me.

It wasn’t merely the sensation that did it for me, it was the taboo of the circumstances. My smile grew stiff, wavered.

“No, thank you,” Grayson murmured.

“Nope.” Axl said, without shifting his head off me.

Finally she moved on.

“And…go,” Grayson added. He squeezed down on my hand again, painfully so. I gasped and stared at our two hands. It seemed callous and not part of the agreement.

It twisted strangely, in that illogical part of my animal brain. I liked it. I did not like it.

Oh god, I liked this.

I squeezed my thighs together and felt a familiar warmth glow to life in my clit. Truly, it seemed a glow, a heat, a lit ember.

I started to breathe through my mouth. I may have let out a shuddering exhalation as Axl fucked my ass a few times with that hidden finger.

He raised his head and said softly, “You’re such a fucking slut, Emme.”

I squeezed my eyes shut. True.

My right arm was already shielded by the coat and by Axl. After the smallest hesitation, I moved it upward to my waist then slowly wormed it beneath—desperately trying not to make it obvious what I was doing. The people seated across the aisle from Axl were drinking coffee and nibbling on things while watching screens.

I began to apply myself to the business of getting myself off at whatever thousand feet this was without alerting the authorities. I could be banned from the airline for this.

Once a person reaches a certain point in an imminent orgasm, stopping it is almost impossible, yet the smallest things made me drop from that peak. A passing passenger, a cough, the shift of someone’s head in front. Finally…finally, I thought I squeaked, I blanked as to my environment, lost awareness of the plane full of people. Grayson crushed down onto my hand even more. Axl shoved his digit and lifted me an inch off the seat. My fingers worked and worked at my clit, and I came.
