Page 2 of Knot Tied

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I need the liquor to numb my feelings. There’s no way I’m going out there with tears in my eyes.

I refuse to cower before Jake’s “boss”. Men like him are worse than animals. I will never give him the satisfaction of seeing tears in my eyes.

Breathing hard, I remind myself of the vow I made to Jake.

If I ever get free again, I will make it my business to destroy him.

The thought gives me the courage to open the door on the other side of the kitchen and walk out.

A cold breeze blows past me as I step into the dark grounds of the mansion. The subtle scent of apricot blossoms wafts into my nostrils, igniting such a strong emotion that I’m almost breathless with heartache.

Will I ever get to come back here again?

I’d hoped the strong liquor would drown my emotions but it’s not helping as I make my way toward two solitary figures in the distance. Jake knew where to station his minions so that they could grab me the moment I walked out of the house.

“That’s her,” I hear the whisper of a female voice.

The figures approach me. As they come closer, I see they’re both wearing fancy gowns and looking like my dad’s guests.

I gaze at their tall heights and hefty, muscular builds. The mark of the Widow is tattooed on the left sides of their necks. Their hair is short and spiky, reminding me of the military-style cuts the beta female soldiers wore during my captivity.

A chill spreads through me. These women were among those who monitored me and the other captive omegas.

Their cruelty is still deeply etched in my mind.

I wait for the familiar panic to grip me but nothing happens. The women before me are lethal but they don’t scare me anymore.

“Who are you working for?” I ask them.

“You’re not allowed to ask questions, omega,” one of them hisses. “Have you forgotten the rules you were taught by us?”

“Do you recognize me?”

The woman on the right scoffs. “Of course, we do. You were the only brunette among that horde of blonde whores.”

Their venomous words spike my rage. “They were innocent. You were the whores who allowed those men to violate us.”

“You dare to speak to us in that tone?” Her companion grates through clenched teeth.

“You dared to step out of your hiding holes after all these months,” I say in the most scathing tone I can muster. “That took some real courage. Aren’t you afraid you’ll meet the same end as your dead friends?”


“Crowley, stop!” The second woman shouts, moving forward to grab her companion’s raised wrist. “Master told us not to bruise her. Besides, we don’t want to create a scene here. Let’s get out of here, first.”

The beta who wanted to hurt me steps back with a sneer.

“Here’s what you’re going to do,” the calmer beta speaks. “Move toward the front gates of the property. Don’t look back or speak to anyone. Keep walking until you’ve walked down the street. Master will pick you up when you’re at a proper distance from this place.”

A part of me wants to scream and gather people here. It’d feel so good to punish these beta mercenaries who’ve been working for the Black Widow.

Jake’s threat repeats in my mind, reminding me of the reason I’m standing in a shadowy corner of the backyard. Swallowing back my rage, I ball my hands into fists and start following the pebbled path through the grounds.

My instincts tell me to run back inside the house but I fight against them and keep walking toward the front gates. The guards stationed around the house glance at me but stay in their positions. They don’t suspect anything about a few women strolling around the grounds this late in the evening.

It’s a party after all and the guests are allowed to walk around my dad’s vast property. No one is going to be suspicious about us. Once again, I realize how Jake masterminded another way to send me back to the hell I escaped from.

I hold on to the rage that storms through me. The disgust and hatred coursing through my veins fuel my courage as I walk past the front gates and into the street outside.
