Page 4 of Knot Tied

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Having lived through every horrible experience in those dark, hellish underground chambers, I feel nothing but a deep sense of resignation. This man can’t do anything to me that hasn’t already been done to me.

“You don’t seem scared of me,” Vaughn says as a sliver of doubt creeps into his eyes.

“Is that how you like your women?” I ask with a scornful grin. “Does your dick fail to function until they’re scared and blindfolded?”

The humor in his face vanishes. Pure rage spreads through his black, glistening eyes. “How dare you speak to me in that tone, omega?” he shouts, spraying me with spit.

I smile. “What’s the worst you can do to me, Senator?” I ask as cold laughter bubbles from my lips. “I’ve been kidnapped, beaten, starved, and fucked by more men than I can count. Nothing scares me anymore. Just keep your promise and make sure my dad never learns about the horrors I went through. As long as you do that, I’ll obey you.”

My back is ramrod straight as I state my condition to him.

The senator’s face turns a shade darker. He never expected an omega to talk back to him this way.

I don’t know how or when it happened but being with Seth, Oliver, and Simon changed me. They drove away the fear that ate at my soul. Their kindness and warmth infused me with a fiery will to survive and thrive.

I won’t let their love for me go in vain. I will fight this alpha who thinks he can own me without repercussion.

Vaughn can hurt me as much as he likes but he’ll never break me again.

“I’ll remind you of your place soon,” Vaughn promises in a cold tone before shifting away from me.

His threat has no effect on me. The physical blows he’ll lay on me won’t compare to the pain of separation from my mates.

There’s one thing I’ve understood over the past several months.

The bruises on my skin will always heal with time. It’s the scars in my heart that’ll forever stay.

Vaughn can never touch my heart. He can own my body but my heart and soul will always belong to Seth, Oliver, and Simon.



I don’t have to bear the heavy, oppressive silence for too long. The car slows down, making me squint through the tinted window.

To my surprise, we haven’t come far from my home.

“Did you move here recently?” I ask, staring at the surroundings of a familiar neighborhood.

“This has always been my home,” Vaughn says, turning his pitch-black eyes on me.

The car moves through the open gates of a posh property and enters the grounds of a modern villa. A few guards hover near the entry point but as we move in deeper, I glimpse several armed soldiers patrolling every corner of the vast estate.

“How long have you been keeping an eye on me?” I ask.

“I’ve kept tabs on you since the time I spotted you on Hudson’s arm at one of Callahan’s parties,” he says as we get closer to the posh mansion. “I’d have had you sooner if the nincompoop didn’t sell you off to the Black Widow. When the military attacked their camp, I thought I lost you forever. Imagine my surprise when Kelso comes and tells me he’s seen you at a fundraiser party.”

Several facts click together in my mind at the mention of Kelso’s name.

“You found out that I was free and back to living with my dad,” I say as the car comes to a stop. “That’s how you were able to keep tabs on me and knew I was living with the Burton Pack. You must’ve also found out about the painting I bought at the auction. That gave you an excuse to get yourself invited to my dad’s party.”

His lips curve into a sinister grin. “That’s very clever of you, omega,” he says, brushing his thumb over my bottom lip.

“Don’t touch me!” I snap, slapping his hand away.

His humor vanishes. Rage descends back into his eyes as he glares at me. “Get out of the car,” he orders.

Knowing I have no choice, I turn away and unlock the door at my side.
