Page 83 of Knot Tied

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I’ve never been adventurous in the kitchen before but something has come alive within as I struggle to put together a wholesome, filling meal for my mates. I give the soup a stir and ladle out a little to taste it.

“Mmm...not bad,” I mumble to myself, feeling like the soup needs a little something extra. “Oh! Maybe some herbs and spices will do the trick.”

Checking the cupboards above the counter, I find bottles of dried parsley and oregano. I add a little of both to the soup and finish it off with some pepper.

“Rory, what are you doing in there?” Seth’s voice makes me look toward the doorway.

“I’m making soup for you guys.”

“Soup at 1:30 AM,” Simon says, chuckling. “That’s something we’ve never done before.”

“It’s almost ready,” I say, grabbing a stack of bowls from the cupboard. “Sit down and I’ll serve you guys.”

“It smells great, though,” Oliver says, coming over to me. He presses a kiss to my cheek as I ladle soup into the bowls. “Ahh...let me grab that real quick...”

He helps me carry the bowls to the table.

“This tastes so good, Rory,” Simon says, nearly closing his eyes in ecstasy.

“Simply divine,” Seth says with a serious nod as he takes quick sips of his soup. “When did you learn to cook so well?”

A broad grin spreads on my lips at hearing their praises. Warmth washes over me as I watch them enjoying something I cooked.

“You guys finally look like you have some life left in you,” I say after a while.

Oliver gives me a tired smile. “We look like shit, don’t we?”

“You’re still very handsome but yeah...”

He chuckles and grabs my hand. Bringing it to his lips, he kisses my palm. “Thanks for forcing us to eat something. I was so exhausted, I didn’t even know I was starving.”

“Are you still working on the lead you got on the senator?” I ask, looking between my mates.

Seth stares at his brothers. “You guys told her?”

“We just gave her a hint,” Simon says. “She doesn’t know the whole thing.”

“Don’t worry,” I say immediately. “I haven’t spoken about it to anyone.”

Seth’s expression softens. “I know you’d never divulge classified information, love. We trust you.”

“Can you tell me how long it’d take for you guys to crack this situation?” I ask. “You’ve been busy for the past several weeks. What’s happening that’s forcing you to stay at work for such long hours?”

“Should we just tell her?” Oliver asks, looking at Seth. “She might be the only person who can give us some useful insight.”

Seth glances at me with a thoughtful expression.

“You can trust me,” I say in a serious tone. “I won’t tell anyone about your mission.”

Seth closes his eyes and lets out a sigh. “It’s not about that, darling. I just wish we didn’t have to involve you in this mess.”

“It doesn’t matter. Just tell me. I’ll do my best to help you guys out.”

“Vaughn shifted some servers from his manor to Jake’s house in the suburbs,” Simon says in a grim tone. “These servers have all the information we’ll need to tear apart the omega trafficking ring. We’ll know who’s helping them, we’ll have information on how they were marketing their services, their client list as well as data on how they were using their funds.”

“That sounds awesome,” I whisper even though it’s just the four of us. “What’s stopping you guys from breaking into Jake’s house and grabbing those servers?”

“They have a lot of safety protocols in place,” Seth says with a frown. “The moment they realize someone’s trying to break in or trying to hack into the servers, they will initiate a self-destructive sequence.”
